best hydro-organic nutrient line?

ive never done hydro and i see that is the basis of this thread but I am currently using it in soil for all sorts of plants including my herb and everythings doing really well.. the biothrive is mostly vegan organic except for the bottle of bio marine which is squid. and I dont reallly like squid much so I supplement with alaska fish emultion 5-1-1 . and it seems to be a complete set up.. the biothrive sample pack i got came with a lot of stuff in small bottles.. I find myself using kind of a lot of these organic nutes compared to the flora nova i was using..I get the feeling with organics u have to use a little more but the taste is obviously much better. The series includes.. bio weed..(liquid seaweed) ..BIO bud.. which is 5-1-1 and contains some sugar cane and maybe some molassus i forget.. ive been using the BIO thrive Veg complete nute with everthing- kinda smells like coffee? and I always supplement with fish emultion and seaweed.. because i believe plants like a lot of different foods.. fish emultion and biothrive seaweed is bascially my favorite but i also put plenty of veg nute in there.. i like to expiriment with little bit of veg nutes in bloom.. like some seaweed.. i typically lay off the fish emultion cause i dont want my buds to smell like a poop fart..but fuckin a they love that fish emultion in veg...anyways the GH biothrive line seems to work good. im new to organics. maybe heavy feedings with organic is typical? . i ate a few squash from my all organic plant yesterday they were tasty.. i use kellogs soil from home depot which is the only real organic soil they is light on nutrients but its high PH alk.. works well with biothrive cause biothrive organics are very acidic theyll bring ur ph to 5.5 easilly ive found.


Well-Known Member
I think that organic is a better way to gos
Why? When you go with organics, your limiting the ingredients - it's like a body builder saying he wants to go vegan. Only a very small percent of things are grown organically, and that's mostly because than can charge more if they put 'organic' on he label.


Well-Known Member
But from what I've heard benificial biologics has something a bit useful. I guess it unlocks the nutrients full potential. I'm not a botanist so google it for yourself. And oh yes I'm a moron according to some so this is not ADVICE just saying


Well-Known Member
Why? When you go with organics, your limiting the ingredients - it's like a body builder saying he wants to go vegan. Only a very small percent of things are grown organically, and that's mostly because than can charge more if they put 'organic' on he label.
Everyone should want organic why put more chemicals in our body. Just saying


Well-Known Member
Have been using the General Hydroponics 3 part series in the past, but due to my recent love of growing, am in a quagmire about what line is the best, but hear conflicting results all the time. If your an experienced grower, please just write what line you prefer and why. Would help a lot!!! Thanks,

This is like asking "which motor oil or gasoline is best"?

If GH is good enough for NASA-----then good enough for me.

IMO, the most important part of the nute solution is----------starting water quality------ running water culture.

Organis and hydro don't belong in the same sentence.



Well-Known Member
GTFO out of the hydro section with your batshit DWC.

Don't come preaching to us about how your literally shitty DWC setup is a better way of growing. It just shows ignorance.

I agree with alaric. Organic and hydro don't belong in the same sentence. (except this one)

Everyone should want organic why put more chemicals in our body. Just saying


Active Member
Everyone should want organic why put more chemicals in our body. Just saying
And what are organics but chemicals?! In fact, most of the organic chemicals are transformed by microorganisms into the same inorganic chemicals that are contained in inroganic nutrient brands before they are consumed by the plant.

edit: And yes, organics and hydro don't go well together. Organics are food for microorganisms and thus make perfect enviroment for their growth. This enables them to quickly overpopulate your bucket and damage your plants roots.
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Well-Known Member
And what are organics but chemicals?! In fact, most of the organic chemicals are transformed by microorganisms into the same inorganic chemicals that are contained in inroganic nutrient brands before they are consumed by the plant.

edit: And yes, organics and hydro don't go well together. Organics are food for microorganisms and thus make perfect enviroment for their growth. This enables them to quickly overpopulate your bucket and damage your plants roots.
Very good to know