Best high you've ever had?


Well-Known Member
We bein weed tokers has have prolly come across alot of diff strains and thc contents. What high have you had that really stick out in your mind? List what kind of weed it was and a funny story about the high. On a footnote, I heard that purple haze is actually used to sedate elephants?


I had just recently started smoking and a friend of mine called me up to smoke so i go over to his house and he had a few grams of some grape ape. it was the most beautiful bud i have ever seen. anyways he also had a 3 foot bong and at the time i thought it was the coolest piece id ever seen. so we proceed to take bong hits until all the bud was gone. i walk outside and forget where i am instantly lol. i called my friend and he came out and and gave me and another friend a ride to the local mall where i passed out in a chair for a good 2 hours lol.