
Well-Known Member
The filthy rich control Congress and it`s spending.

I give you Halliburton, and DDX. Just one example.
I could give you Head Start, Common Core, Social Security, Welfare Federal Flood Insurance, etc. The fact is Congress is elected by the voters. We consistently vote for whoever promises us whatever we want to hear. Blaming our fuckups on the "filthy rich" might make you feel better, but it is us who cast the votes. By definition, 1% (most of whom aren't that rich at all) can not control an election.


Well-Known Member
That's a feeling not a fact.

Deals are made, that's the way of the world.

No, that`s a fact. Congress does not need influence to decide the Budget and where it will go. DDX was a huge waste of money that cannot be returned. The R&D aspect was actually where the big loss came from. R&D money went out to unknown companies with no refunds. Exactly what a criminal would want.