Bent Stem


Active Member
I noticed the other day that the center stalk of my plant is bent at a 45degree angle. I think this was do to having the light too low. Here are some pics to give you a better idea of the situation:
WDG (8).jpgWDG (9).jpg
The rest of the plant looks good:
WDG (7).jpgWDG (6).jpg
Is this going to pose problems later on? Should i try to straight her up a little?


Well-Known Member
is no big deal, plant should straighten on its own, as it leans toward the light in time to come


U could even take a twister tie and support it to the one side I just rotate my plant 180 degrees each day but it should straighten up fine!


Active Member
It looks like it has gotten worse. The stem is completely flat at a 180 degree angle for an inch before it starts to correct itself and grow upwards toward the light. As you can see from the pics above there is still room for more medium. Maybe an inch. Should i just add some more hydroten to the net pot? Will this help?


Well-Known Member
yes but before you do that, i would rip a little of the starter cube out, that may be retaining too much moisture around the main stem causing stem rot. You can tell the stem is rotten if it is squishy and bloated

also if the starter cube is moist, consider dropping the water level (maybe?)
if the cube is moist that means its always going to be , unless you do something to fix that. I'm pretty sure you want the rockwool to eventually get a little dry and the roots to grow out of it and pull moisture in towards the cube, instead of the reservoir moistening it directly


Active Member
The cube is dry. I keep the water below the bottom of the net pot. It already has a huge root system.