Ben Bernanke wins Time Magazine's Person of the Year award


New Member
This country is over. I hoped that with Obama's election and a with majority of Dems in the congress that the greed would be reigned in through legislation but I now believe we're all screwed.
Why would you think that? It's not a matter of dem/repub, they're small time on the grande scheme of things, just here to create the illusion of representation and choice. We've been screwed, we're just feeling it a hell of a lot more now. And our cages will only continue to shrink.
Why would you think that? It's not a matter of dem/repub, they're small time on the grande scheme of things, just here to create the illusion of representation and choice. We've been screwed, we're just feeling it a hell of a lot more now. And our cages will only continue to shrink.
Well put and so very true! I did not vote for him but I hoped that if he was elected that change would take place.
I told my friends that I hoped it wasn't change- from bad to worse. well, that cats out of the bag.
We're being screwed by the banks big time and our cages are being built smaller and smaller and smaller! Nicely put GFX
