Belladonna Sea of Green 400w CMH


I took these photos a couple of days ago. I am having problems with over exposing the pictures under this HPS bulb any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ted, glad you surfaced. I figured you'd been mugged by Father Christmas for being bad...or something.

Some of these photos are really beautiful, very fine resolution and nice depth of field...and the way you almost wrestled the color into submission is interesting. You have to balance the light, or try filters or something to get more normal colors.

Why don't you just use regular lights, or flash for pics, and turn off the sulfur bulb for a few minutes? As long as the plants are getting some sort of light it shouldn't risk a thing.


Well-Known Member
If you can direct your flash, try bouncing the light from it off the ceiling of your tent instead of directly at your subject. Maybe avoid hotspots and washouts, etc.