Being a WEED missionary


Well-Known Member
You know those christian missionaries that go to these isolated villages in Africa and convert them to christians? Well, what if we like sent out weed missionaries to Africa, and let them smoke some weed. Then they would become rastafarians. I mean imagine, it would be liked introducing a whole new culture to them. You could teach them how to grow it, and I bet certain strains would grow great in Africa, and soon there will be a whole group of tribes that are completely stoned 24/7. thatd be cool. I wanna be a weed missionary.


Well-Known Member
u should make a gas chamber but instead of poison gas u let out marijuana smoke so u can get big masses of people stoned quickly.


Active Member
Dude...this shit is brilliant, man. We should just, like, crop dust Africa with THC vapor.

Hell...why don't we just do that to win every war? We just send a few crop planes over the area trying to attack us, chill everyone the fuck out, then go in and negotiate peace treaties?

And it could create jobs! If America legalized, then the government could make jobs by paying folks for their homegrown weed, which would then be used as biological peacefare, the opposite of warfare.

This shit is genius.


Well-Known Member
u should make a gas chamber but instead of poison gas u let out marijuana smoke so u can get big masses of people stoned quickly.
Yo while reading about the history of hemp I stumbled upon a book that i dont remember what it was called (too high) but i remember it talking about how a certain tribe in africa (Bantu i think) built underground earthen chambers to cheef in, and they would bring all the dudes in the tribe down there and then just smoke hellllllllla. Also, in the Zulu nation if you were convicted of any crime the punishment was you were put in an airtight room and forced to smoke "dagga" (weed) until you passed out (from suffocation from only breathing in smoke and no air lol imagine how fucking high you would be). and then once you were passed out on the floor they rubbed pepper in your eyes and then just left you lol. Pretty fucked up but funny. Anyway, i dont remember what time period this was or anything just cool that you thought of an idea that they already did hundreds if not thousands of years ago. I love cannabis...god damn




Well-Known Member
Getting someone fucked up and rubbing pepper in their eyes sounds like a bad party trick to play on someone. As long as it aint me then its funny as shit



Well-Known Member
I volunteer for this mission.. where do I sign up.. I just don't wanna go to africa... can we just go convert other, more peaceful, less aids infected cooler climate area than africa.. start somewhere more comfortable.. Let's be real.. we're stoner's.. let's not make it harder than it has to


Well-Known Member
Getting someone fucked up and rubbing pepper in their eyes sounds like a bad party trick to play on someone. As long as it aint me then its funny as shit


Ya i've seen hot sauce down the pants, funny as hell.

And they definitely smoke/sell/grow weed in Africa already. Im pretty sure they have little kids shooting Ak-47's, while smoking Ak-47.


Well-Known Member
lol...and PERU. chillin in the incan highlands...sickkkkkk. The only question is would mary grow at 10,000 feet...hopefully. I volunteer...sign me up.


Well-Known Member
lol...and PERU. chillin in the incan highlands...sickkkkkk. The only question is would mary grow at 10,000 feet...hopefully. I volunteer...sign me up.

A guy I work with is from PERU and said for 5 American bucks you can get a pound down there.



Well-Known Member
holy fucking shit. I am going to peru this summer actually and im gonna have alot more than five bucks.:weed::weed::weed: How will i get it back though:wall: damnnnnnnnnnnnn


Well-Known Member
Dude TIA... pot grows everywhere... and there is nothing you will teach africans about it...

You do touch on a valid topic though... the destruction of traditional beliefs and leaders....

Maybe a month back I still held the western view of how barbaric and childlike some of it seemed... now I realise how the pre christian spiritual traditions were taken from us and in other cases freely given...

These traditions cared for us, and the planet down to the scale of population management. Earth does not give credit, and we are about to learn this again.

Ironicaly the truth behind religion is a unified "story", but the versions we follow in our modern religions are like a children's version of a grown up story... like how you'd explain something on the news to a 6 year old...

Whereas some of the traditional practices gave you a first hand VIEW and experience of the fear, wonder, connectedness, love etc.. that we are supposed to experience but are meant to believe we have no way of imagening.


Open google earth....
Try for something generic like mexico or mexico city... you will need to keep on scrolling in to see the popolation density, how there is not a tree or an open piece of field for miles.... Scrolling out slowly your heart will sink and you will see the seriousness of the western problem...