beginning training of scrog method question.


Active Member
Hello all,
The whole idea of scrog fascinates me. I am wanting to use this method for the future. However, I am a little confused about the beginning stages of training. Please correct me if I am wrong. From my understanding of the beginning training stages of growth, you take the first longest stem and place it underneath the screen and let it grow horizontally. Do the same to the other long stems. While the trained stems grow horizontally, does the plant produces more growth across the trained stem that are wanting to grow towards the light?


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
So you lay it out horizontal, then it grows back up to the light. When it is an inch or two above the screen again you fold it back underneath. This allows the lower branches to sit at the same level as the main growth tip. Hormones and more light are then available to these side branches and they grow larger.

The idea is to create an even canopy with several well developed bud sites.