Beginner; Pyramid Auto super hash

tha nube

So im pretty new to growing, and this is somewhat of a test run , but ill fill you in on the basics so far.

Auto super hash from single seed centre, suprisingly fast shipping to the good ol usa.
Basic potting soil from my neighborhood depot nothing fancy
Currently only 3 18 watt 2700k cfls , 20/4 light cycle , waiting on splitters to come in the mail.
No nutes yet;/

My girl is 5 days old since she popped out the dirt, had put her in wet paper towels in a tupperware for about 2 days until it cracked then burried about 1/2 an inch under. Popped up the next day!

Now a few questions , (this is a test run) What is the minium wattage you can grow and yeild a plant with? I know 2700k is on the red side of the spectrum which is good for flowering, this being an autoflower and having short veg period will it matter that i don't have any higher k lights? The last question , is no nutrients... will it still grow and yeild?

I have already ordered a few more auto seeds from them, and plan on making a few adjustments based on this grow. First off would be fox farms ocean forest soil, have read good things about its compatability with weed, cheap but effective nutrients(still looking for what to get.. advice??) , a few more lights plan on mixing the blue and red throughout the next one.

Other than that she looks healthy to me , pushing out the second set of leaves just barely, and no problems yet. Ill put up a picture or two shortly , anyone with experience on growing autos on a low budget, or that can answer any of my questions or just some advice in general id definately appreciate it !
Looking good so far!
Check out my post on pot sizing for when you start your next batch, people have posted a lot of useful info there. I started mine in 4" pots, wished I started in smaller solo cups and that's something I will do in my next grow. I would get some reflectors for those CFLs too. You can get medium sized clamp-one for about $8 at the depot. What are the lumens on those CFLs ? Looks pretty close to what I started with.
Nutes for the seedlings I've read should be around 20-20-20, I used miracle grows 18-18-21 tomato food which was the closest I could find. Used that for a month then switched to 30-10-10 MG orchid food. Again, as close as I could find to 2-1-1 ratio.

Good luck!
ive been reading and told its best for vegging to stay in the 5000 - 6500 k range ... wattage doesnt really matter its more of the lumens per square ft ... ive read some people say wattage matters others say it doesnt ... i believe lumens is the key ... more light a single bulb can put out the better.. also when flowering more lights/lumens more yield youll have

tha nube

thanks for the quick responses guys;/ as as far as lumens go there 1200 a piece but will have more lights very soon, and about the pots, if i were growing photo period plants id agree, but mine are autoflower from what i know transplant can stress the plant , and delay growth. Thats fine with photoperiod plants because you can veg them 18/6 until they are healthy and flower them by switching your lights to a different cycle (12/12), autoflowers don't need this cycle switch, they do it by themselves, based on how old they are most have about a 2-3 month lifespan. So i started her in a big pot to begin with to make sure the roots will have space and because anything stressful can stunt autos. As far as the nutrients im tapped out right now because of all the other seeds i ordered , but miracle grow worked for you? I always thought that it gave the plants nute burn or something but obviously your plants look fine;// thanks agaiin


I'd definitely suggest throwing some "daylight" colored CFLs in there. I don't know how well she will grow in 2700k. Looking good so far :)

tha nube

Yeah that will be my next step , im waiting on some splitters for the sockets so i can have more lights there too, but alls well as far as i can tell. I did one auto grow prior to this with a 150 watt cfl dual spectrum bulb , (when i got done i let a friend borrow it so now im back to shit lol ) and used a higher quality soil than this dollar store stuff, fox farms ocean forest, and noticed a little faster growth and the leaves seemed thicker like more juicy or something. But while this plant grows im just going to keep making improvements and getting ready to start the next batch . But thanks for stoppin by my journal yo ;//
I used CFLs only for the first couple of weeks, they were 23W, 1600 Lumen, 5000K each. Started with 3 then added a fourth and they worked fine. Even with my goof of timing them 12/12. About 3 weeks in i switched to Flourescent, 3 bulbs @ 32W, 2708 Lumen, 6500K ea. and kept 2 of the CFLs for side llighting.
As far a re-potting, that was my theory also, thinking start in biger pots so it would be less stressful each move. But what i have learned is that if you re-pot correctly there is no (or very little) stress. My next grow i plan to start smaller, you will encourage a denser root ball this way and bigger plants as the plants energy shifts from root growth to above ground growth each time. Maybe try both methods and see if you notice in a difference in the end result.
Again, this is my first grow (of cannibus), so this is all a learning experience for me. I used MG potting mix ($6/bag) and started with MG Tomato Fert 18-18-21 for the first month and just recently switched to MG Orchid Fert 30-10-10. I plan to switch to MG Bloom Booster 15-30-15 once i start to bud. No Im not a MG rep, it was just the easiest to find, each box of fert was about $5. I'm trying to do my grow low budget.
My plants look healthy to me, so I have no complaints so far, im still learning but as of now wouldnt change a thing with the potting mix and ferts up to this point unless someone can convince me otherwise... Oh, and 3 of my 5 plants are Autos ( 1 critical +Auto and 2 Auto NYC Diesel)

tha nube

6 days today, and i was jus wondering about the mg i have some here at home but wasn't sure if it would burn my plant... and i just got a critical auto as a freebie with my second order at tha single seed centre, so that will be interesting to keep an eye on:weed: lol
What are the N-P-K #'s of the MG you have?
The Crit Auto i have was a freebie also and its the best plant i have right now size-wise. Its also the one that started budding at 5 weeks even though its only about 8 inches tall. Im currently trying to get it to re-veg.
Ive read critical seeds dont grow tall they are one of the short weed plants ive looked up so i wouldnt be suprised if when all is said and done it grows to be less then 2 ft tall
My Crit-auto is Dina Fem brand and is a cross of Dinafem Critical and Dinafem Roadrunner. Description on the website says medium height which I expect would put it to the 4-5 ft range depending on conditions based on other descriptions I f medium height that I have read. Mines kinda leggy right now around 9 inches tall with 7 budds that I'm not so psyched about.... See below.


tha nube

The ratio is 2-2-2 but i was only going to mix like a 1/4 strength dose to try to ease the plant on to them at first, and unfortunately you cant re-veg the auto as light cycles only matter to photoperiod plants, but it looks good to me, those bud sites will thicken up and get bigger as flowering progresses , if you look at pictures on the web of stunted autos ,
or ones grown withoutout the right conditions its funny like this one

give her time im sure shell thicken up:) how old were yours when you started tha nutes??
Really!? The auto won't respond to the extended light period? I think I'm screwed then. I have 4 other plants in this batch, how do I adjust lighting and I suppose I will have to mix different nutes solutions also. And what about cloning? Can I clone after it flowers I wonder?

tha nube

you can clone it but it would make sense because the clone would continue on the mothers timeline, meaning it would finish flowering within days of the mother being very small and not worth it. You can clone the photoperiod ones though. and i just got my seeds from the single seed centre, i didnt get the breeder packs because i only got one of each seed but they send a peice of the pack so you know its what it says it is. and heres some og kush i got tonight it smells dank af;//
Nice! Get your grow on!
Yeah, i think my Crit Auto is a lost cause- Abandond the Clone Idea, then was hoping to CS some buds in hopes of forcing it to seed but guess Im too late for that now. Im just going to leave it alone to do its thing.

tha nube

here it is today at 11 days old DSCN0057.jpgall looks ok to me, the first leaves seem to be curled a little? but tha second set coming in nicely and you can just start to see the third poking up in tha middle. am probably going to start nutes the next time i water at like a quarter strength, but thats all thts going on for now;/