Beginner Outdoor Growing Questions


Well-Known Member
To germinate my seeds I bought a "mini-greenhouse" peat growing kit and I started my seeds today. I plan on putting a heating pad on the lowest setting underneath it overnight to keep it somewhat warm.

Does anybody have experience using this method?

Also I'm wondering how long I can I effectively support the seedlings on CFLs and when I should start hardening them off. Also if I don't harden them off how big of an impact will it have on the plants.

When I'm transplanting them outside, is regular potting soil OK to use for a medium or what should I use? Also does anybody suggest any store bought plant food, common stuff that I can get from Wal-Mart, Steins, etc. and what type should I get. Also how much should I dilute the nutes (if at all) if I want to be very safe.

Thanks much in advance for all the info.


The best way i've found to germ my seed is to first soak my seeds in a cup of distilled water for about 24 to 48 hours with another larger cup covering that so no light gets in and when they sink to the bottom i take them out. Then i use the paper towel method, which all you do is take two plates line the bottom of the first plate with paper towels about 2 or 3 layers thick that are moist (not) soaking wet then i place the seeds on top of the first layer and add another layer of paper towels moistened over the seeds and place the other plate on top and then i place the plate on my heating mat to keep them warm but it your worried about them drying out because they can if you don't keep the paper towels moist, you can just put them in a warm spot in your home like a heating vent or something like that. Once the tap root( the tiny white root that first pops out) has popped out of the seed i then put them into my medium (Soil,Perlite,Rockwool and Ect.) im going to use. once thats done you can put them in your mini green house with your heating pad on. What ever you do dont use water with chlorine in it. If you don't want to buy distilled water, just leave tap water out for 24 hours or more uncovered and the chlorine will evaperate and then you can use. You can use cfl's for the whole length of the time indoors just make sure the light is not to far from your plants or they'll stretch to the light and become spindly and weak. make sure you use a fan to help give them some strength for when you take them outside in the wind. When you take them outside you will want to harden them off by putting them in the shade during the day for a couple days to start until they're adapted to the outdoors and can handle the light levels and temperatures and then you can put them in your growing spot. I hope this helps and makes sense.