before and after flower


Well-Known Member
I would not use Sevin because of the harsh chemicals that may be bad for us to ingest. Spinosad will not adversely affect the buds and will protect them. I stopped using Neem for this grow (because of the smell). Spinosad, BT and Azamax have little smell and can be used up until a week from harvest I believe (but I would give it 2-3 weeks unless there are issues). If I had to choose one, I would go with the Spinosad because of the wide range of insects it protects against and the reasonable price. Be sure to spray at or after dusk for greatest efficacy.


Active Member
I got Azamax ans Safer's BT on Amazon. They also have Monterey Spinosad which is also my favorite because it's cheap and kills both mites and cats. I cycle through the three - it keeps the bugs on their toes and off my plants :)
Cats? Laney that's mean....Give me the cats to feed my Rottweilers. Lol. I kid. I actually looked up that Spinosad, b/c I believe you recommended it to me in another thread last night. That's some pretty pricey shit on Amazon. But if it keeps them buggers off my babies, it's definitely worth it. I'm not quite sure what's getting to mine. I have a couple leaves with a small hole chewed in them. I hit them with Fungicide brand spray (from Wally World) which has neem oil. I also dumped 4 containers of salt in a barrier around my buckets to keep slugs away. This is my first outdoor grow and my cousin suggested I do that trick. He said slugs will kill your shit quick!


Well-Known Member
I was worried that would draw ants so I only use it once every couple of weeks. Not sure how bad ants are but don't think I'd want them. You can use Sevin around your grow and between your plants to discourage pests from hanging around. I just wouldn't want to put it within 3 or 4 feet of your plants. You might try ant traps also if you're not expecting rain or put them under your mulch.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of ants ... yesterday we were baling hay and the feeder arms lost the twine. I get the fun job of rolling around in the hay under the baler rethreading the twine arm. Anyhow, I am kneeling in the hay doing this and I feel a horrible sensation that at first I think is hay dust cause it's windy but then I realize it's bugs crawling all over me. My vision sucks so I can't see what they are. They seem too fast for ticks; they are in the hay, so I'm thinking a hatch of crickets ... they turn out to be ants ... I'm screaming and my sympathetic husband is calling me a baby, lol ... it sucked! KILL THEM ALL!!!
I did a weaker batch the time before and weaker before that this time I mixed 8 gallons with 1.5 table spoons 12-11-2 and 1.5 table spoons 1-12-2 guano and 2 caps ej bloom 0-3-2 I beleave and 2 caps ej mirco blast and 10 pellets of potash which was 0-0-62 which was 1/4 strentgh which would make it 0-0-16, then a small hand full of worm castings and 1 cup molases I bubbled with airarater for 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. I don't feed that heavily or weekly. I gave them time release Dr. Earth Bloom and bat guano last time and I will give guano once more. That'll probably be it.