Becoming an Aussie


Well-Known Member
sidngroovennude, I might have to disqualify you from answering. You're an Aussie, man... you can't fool me. So, if you're already here, why would you need to pass this test? I told Gryph that we'd have to add the disclaimer that Aussies can't answer unless they're being smart-asses... but hang on... ... oh!!... ... :blsmoke:... carry on then. I still think that Gryph's being a bit easy on you, but I'll give you some rep for knowing about Brockie... but don't answer the questions any more.... OK? Feel free to comment though. If you make me laugh I might rep you some more.

i think a good question for the people out there is who were the bra boys?
what is a deal?
what is a bag?
There will be a language section to the test...

can u please be more specific on your crab and yabby,s would this be a queensland mud crab v,s tasmanian yabby or blue swimmer vs blue claw.
Alright, let's just say a standard little beach soldier crab and a muddy dam standard blue-clawed yabby...

is a monotreme a platypus.
Maaan.... :-?
Well, I guess we can count that as a clue, eh??


Well-Known Member
i feel if the race was held in a north to south direction and was held in water the yabby would definately win if it was held on land soldier boy all the way but as i am not allowed to answer i revoke my answer and throw it out there to the punters.


Well-Known Member
i feel if the race was held in a north to south direction and was held in water the yabby would definately win if it was held on land soldier boy all the way but as i am not allowed to answer i revoke my answer and throw it out there to the punters.

...but the soldier crab would start digging a hole and forget that it was racing...

Man... That mumbly madness pot is .. *tear* beautiful!
That it is, that it is...

OK, the monotreme. Yep, a platypus is one. The other is the Echidna. They're the only two known monotremes...that are unique in that they both

...have claws
...have beaks
...lay eggs
...are warm blooded
...suckle their young in burrows
...and have vents much the same as birds, ie, they poo, pee and lay eggs through the same hole.

Lastly, they couldn't be two more different looking animals. One lives in water, the other on land:

p-platypus_m.jpg 800px-Echidna_-_melbourne_zoo.jpg

Next questions:

If you walked into a pub and asked the most likely looking character if you could get abiddabush, what would they give you

If he asked you if you wanted a 'fiddy', what would you be agreeing to?

Carton or slab (totally unrelated to last question).


Well-Known Member
I can't answer any of those without using Google. I know nothing of you except your (collective) penchant for marsupials. :lol: Oh! I do love your birds, the hookbills, quite impressive groups you have, especially the loris.


Well-Known Member
No-one said that you can't google....

Remember, Google is your friend. A really good friend... like that guy who shouts the buds all the time... or the one who always buys the KFC when the munchies start... Or the one who knows where to get the best deals. You know, a good friend like that............... :eyesmoke:

Or else just have a go. Hint... sound the words out...

Come on guys... Strine can't be all that hard, can it?


Well-Known Member
Moving on then....

Next questions:

If you walked into a pub and asked the most likely looking character if you could get abiddabush, what would they give you

If he asked you if you wanted a 'fiddy', what would you be agreeing to?

Carton or slab (totally unrelated to last question).
These questions related to our language, unofficially known as Strine. (If you say the word 'Australian' correctly it should sound like 'Strine'. Thus the name of our unofficial language. Anyway, for all you non-Aussies... :mrgreen:

'Abiddabush' means 'a bit of bush'. Bush (in this context) means any type of pot grown in a traditional way, as opposed to in a hydro setup. Hydro weed is commmonly referred to as hydge.

'Fiddy'. :o Come on, I thought you'd get that one, for sure. Think of 50Cent... except in this case we're referring to dollars. A fiddy is a measure of weed that costs $50... usually somewhere around 3-4 grams, depending on how much the man likes you.

'Carton' or 'slab?'... well, it doesn't really matter... it's all beer. :clap: A carton usually consists of 24 stubbies of beer. A slab in QLD means a 24-pack carton of cans... but in southern states can mean a carton of beer in general.

So, should I try another question? :eyesmoke: You guys are scaring me.
Yeah, why not. I'll make it an easy one...

Who won this year's State of Origin, and by how much?


Active Member
i cant beleive how little, people know about us australians and our weird and wacky ways.
quite dissapointing, i feel i should travel around the world teaching people to be like us, then envy the fact that there not us.
im sooo bored, its 3:37am, theres some shitty danozdirect show on, i got No green and wont have any untill later today.
America, Fuck yeh, Lick my dick an suck on my balls. :)


New Member
stubby is beer or stubby shorts (like the ball squeezers warrick cappa used to wear)

mullumbimby madness, = taking too much drugs (acid, shrooms) up at mullumbimby in NSW. mullumbimby hippy / stoners commune


Well-Known Member
Oh my god, someone dug up an old one... I shall now reply in Strine...
Should anyone need a translation, just let me know.

Good onya Cobber. Beauty to see ya here mate.

Now, you're spot on with the stubbies mate, on both counts. An' that Warrick's a bit of a wanka, hey? What a Wally, let me tell you. But mate, Mullimbimby Madness is the moniker of a strain of yarndi. An' I think they had a bit of a do down that way that was called the same... bonza rave from all accounts. We'll get down to the Coff one day mate, you can take that to the track. An' they'll know we been there, sure as. We toke a motza matey, an' that's no bull! :weed: :o bongsmilie :shock: bongsmilie :eyesmoke:

Well, me ol' china... thanks for poppin' in. It was good to talk to another roo chucker. Hope you an' your mob (you got a missus?... sprogs?...) had a rippa chrissy, an' here's wishin' you the biggest 2009. :hug:

Merry cruisemas, bloke. bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
most of these questions are crap, the real question is this :

is it cool for a real bloke to be caught doing circle work in a ute with a bundy?


Well-Known Member
most of these questions are crap, the real question is this :

is it cool for a real bloke to be caught doing circle work in a ute with a bundy?
And the answer is...

Nah mate. Who knows, you might knock over a sprog... or an ol' codger. That would make you a bloody great tosser then, wouldn't it? :shock:

Besides, no'one's made a decent ute since them bloody yanks came over and pinched the silver lion from us...

And for that matter... Bundy tastes like shit mixed with lolly water... and it turns men into cranky, spewing bastards who couldn't keep a woody if he needed to light a fire.

But then... that all depends on your definition of a real bloke... doesn't it, son? :-P