Beautiful canabonsai! Need help! (Pics)

Mr Bonezzz5150

New Member
I have been growing and manipulating this plant. Grown pretty attached. It's my first bonsai :)
I tend to her everyday and today I noticed some small black dots around some burnt looking leaves. Can't seem to find anything about this. Can someone help identify??



Well-Known Member
I have been growing and manipulating this plant. Grown pretty attached. It's my first bonsai :)
I tend to her everyday and today I noticed some small black dots around some burnt looking leaves. Can't seem to find anything about this. Can someone help identify??
It's crying for help.... you sicko!


Well-Known Member
What are you using for soil looks really wet and do your tits drain well. Looks overwatered and hungry

Mr Bonezzz5150

New Member
I'm using a basic potting soil for flowering plants. I just watered about an hour ago. The tits drain decently probably not well enough. I intentionally root locked this plant so it wouldn't grow huge. So I know the pot is too small. Mainly a sport grow right now. As far as lighting, I'm pretty much all natural, I live in Houston Texas so I get tons of sun. I wake up at 7 am to go to work and I set her outside in full sun, at 5-7 p.m. I bring her in and she hides in the top of the closet


Well-Known Member
I'm using a basic potting soil for flowering plants. I just watered about an hour ago. The tits drain decently probably not well enough. I intentionally root locked this plant so it wouldn't grow huge. So I know the pot is too small. Mainly a sport grow right now. As far as lighting, I'm pretty much all natural, I live in Houston Texas so I get tons of sun. I wake up at 7 am to go to work and I set her outside in full sun, at 5-7 p.m. I bring her in and she hides in the top of the closet
Like you say... its root bound and thisnis giving it nute problems. Are you feeling it? And ph'ing the water?

Mr Bonezzz5150

New Member
I have already come to the conclusion that it has nute burn, ainly cause the browned curled up tips of leaves. I mainly water with bottled water and I'm on the southeast side


Well-Known Member
I have already come to the conclusion that it has nute burn, ainly cause the browned curled up tips of leaves. I mainly water with bottled water and I'm on the southeast side
Bottled water is a no no! I've killed a plant with bottled mineral water before


Well-Known Member
The black spots look like bug excrement and it looks like leaf hopper bites but it could be some other bug. Definitely bug damage though.