

Selection: ? <10, but a good variety. Not much experience, so I cannot rightly compare
Price: 10 (40% extra count as feebies, very happy)
Service: 10 (cordial and factual correspondence)
Stealth Rating: 10 (I opened and was like, "wtf?", then got with the program)
Would you order from the same bank again: (Yes)
Other Comments: (14 days from mailing CASH sent to received package in midwest USA- including a holiday)

Trusted with cash, have stashed in the archive & not popped yet, but everything looks great.
They were perfect, overall 10 of 10 in my opinion.



Well-Known Member
Since it's "their" knock off of the original strains, the proof will be in the final product, not whether they can deliver seeds to you. Personally, why would anyone not want the originals (other than the cheaper prices)???????


Good point- I did a bit of googling and found some examples of people who were happy with their results, so I figured I would try them. I'm not out to win any blue ribbons at the county fair, so we'll see what happens.


Purps feminized and an "Indoor Mix". I only grow a couple plants once in a very spotty timeframe just for kicks and because I hate shwag. (if this tells you my seed seeking frequency) My seeds from 2 grows ago were some Sweet Purple F2's from CBay back in 06 or so. They were super cheap,like 30 bucks, and to this day I have friends say that it was the most well rounded smoke they ever had. I guess that is what leaned me toward a cheap spin off with some purple in it. My last poppers were from a TGA "Fiesta Mix". I actually enjoy the unknown X/mystery factor of what is going to pop up, so that is probably what leaned me towards another mystery mix.