bc buds.. a question


Well-Known Member
is anyone familar with the bud that goes around either called "dro" or "bc" bud.. its usually 4 times as dense, wetter, more orange hairs, has that same shitty green smell

what is it tha tmakes this grow so different, is this a certain strain or is it grown a different way

not that im interested in growing it.. its just much different than other buds im used to, not in agood way eventhough its half the prioce


Well-Known Member
how is it manafactured what is done different? do they use is a certain strain or is it just the method of growing

Hong Chong

Active Member
People throw labels on everything, you gotta know where it comes from and whos growin it to really know what it is but there is a strain from VISC called BC bud i believe, i havent smoked it but im sure its not shitty like the bud you have explained. what youve explained could be jsut shitty hydro grown bud and someone threw the name "BC" or "dro" on it to market it better or whatever, thats my guess but i dn.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me what that Bin Laden weed is? Isn't it like 3 different weeds rolled into 1?
