BC Big Bud

Mr. Marge

Active Member
Thanks for the recent advice and encouragement. R + D you've been a great help these last few days.

About two weeks ago I purchase about 20 8" pots.

I thought that all the room for the plant to grow in all the soil would be helpful for the plant, but really I'm wasting soil and space. I can fit about 4 pots in the same spot as those tubs. I did however have holes cut in the bottom of the tubs for drainage.

Thanks for the compliments as of late. There is a macro setting on this camera, and that's what I used for those last shots of Adelaine. Any zoom or just plain closeness always seems to come up very very blurry. But like I said I'm borrowing the camera so it could just be me not using the tool properly.

Off to sit with my last accomplished plant.

I have been in the works on assembling Al B. Fuct's bud dryer. But for just this one plant I don't find it to be very neccessary. So into my next grow/harvest I'll let you know how it turns out.

I did cut Kip and started drying her, she's got very little bud on her, but I figured I could still smoke her as a consellation. She tasted funky as hell. I imagine it's all the nute and burn.

I'll bring up more pics at harvesting time. Hopefully I can figure out how to get you guys and gals a good shot of these buds. They are beautiful, and the sense of wonder you get from knowing...'I did this' is very uplifting. Until my next pics, until my next journal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr.m' Allways.! Db.~tlb!
The Cam. On Mine U Have To Hit The Macro Button Twice Then A Graph Like Thing Pops Up In Feet Or Inch's, I Set The Dist. I Want Witch Puts A Winow In The Lcd, That Is Blured, As I Get Close To The Shot That Window Becomes The Clear Img. Im Trying To Take. Maybe Yours 2 ???
The Next Journal.....way Looking Forward To It.!!!
Maybe Start From A Complete Begining From Cleaned Area To Bang. "babies"
Just My Thoughts.
Being In A Chair I Cant Water Very Often, The Body Doesn't Like That.!!! Lol
So The Large Pots+largeplants*light Output-space, Is A Giant Equation Thats Its Taken Me About 5yrs Of Growing To Realize, With The Large Pots I Only Turn Every Few Days, And Water Every 6, As The Pot Gets Smaller. More Attention Is Needed For The Watering And Plant Care, Due To Pot Size. Small Pot, More Water Less Nutes/ Large Pots, Less Water, More Nutes. And This Works For My Criplet Ass. Lol
Everyone's Op Should Be A Little Diff. As We Are All A Little Diff.

If U Ever Need Any Help At All, U Know Were Me Is.!!! Db.~tlb!

Mr. Marge

Active Member
Well day 77 and we're still alive. All the trichomes are very clear at this moment. I started using only fresh water a few weeks ago and now I believe Adelaine is showing signs of nutrient deficiency. I have considered feeding her a bit, but don't want to so close to harvest. (or what I think harvest time will be)

However, given her very slow rate of growth, I would consider that 90-100 days of flowering seem very realistic at this point.

Pics are up, enjoy. This camera sucks at close up. The green pic is the camera picking up the green from the light, pretty entertaining I found it to be.

Thanks for all the words of wisdumb and encouragement. Grow 2...I can't wait.



Well-Known Member
They Did Plump Up Nice...!!! Yur Nutes Were Cut Out A Little Early.

So U Getting Excited For Yur First Harv....???? Any Smell Coming From The Girls??? If U Need Any Tips For Harv. I Just Posted A Big Run In The Journal On How I Do It.!! In May Help, And If U Have Any Questions, U Know Were To Find Me.!!!

Good Job, So Whats Yur Thoughts On The Run Number Dose!!! ??? :)

Db.~tlb! :)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Well day 77 and we're still alive. All the trichomes are very clear at this moment. I started using only fresh water a few weeks ago and now I believe Adelaine is showing signs of nutrient deficiency. I have considered feeding her a bit, but don't want to so close to harvest. (or what I think harvest time will be)

However, given her very slow rate of growth, I would consider that 90-100 days of flowering seem very realistic at this point.

Pics are up, enjoy. This camera sucks at close up. The green pic is the camera picking up the green from the light, pretty entertaining I found it to be.

Thanks for all the words of wisdumb and encouragement. Grow 2...I can't wait.
Nice looking buds there dude. Sweet, first grow too I see, I will be starting my first grow on 12/12 still a couple of months for me to go yet.

Mr. Marge

Active Member
Tomorrow I harvest. I have decided to give Adelaine another day of light and then she's done. I have about 35 seeds germinated and want to get them on the veg cycle on Monday. I will post final pics tomorrow evening sometime, as well as pics on the new journal for grow #2. Thanks for all who stopped by to be apart of my first grow.

I did cut the two lower branches of adelaine and they've been curing about 5 days now. The great thing, or rather odd thing, is that these buds smell like cucumbers. Like sweet sweet cucumbers. No idea why....but I enjoi cucumbers so it is no bother to me.

Stay tuned for the season finale.


Well-Known Member
Well day 77 and we're still alive. All the trichomes are very clear at this moment. I started using only fresh water a few weeks ago and now I believe Adelaine is showing signs of nutrient deficiency. I have considered feeding her a bit, but don't want to so close to harvest. (or what I think harvest time will be)

However, given her very slow rate of growth, I would consider that 90-100 days of flowering seem very realistic at this point.

Pics are up, enjoy. This camera sucks at close up. The green pic is the camera picking up the green from the light, pretty entertaining I found it to be.

Thanks for all the words of wisdumb and encouragement. Grow 2...I can't wait.
o ya. it definitely has deficiencies. or apest problem


Well-Known Member
Well here is Adelaine. She's small, but looks like I might get about a quarter dry after all is done and well.

i'm hoping she's got ten days or less because I've got about 50 bomb bud seeds to start getting on. I think I'll plant about 25 to save the other half for the 3rd quarter.

Can anyone suggest the best sort of magnifying lens to purchase? I got a 10x magnifying glass and it didn't do jack. I got a 30x jewelers lens and it's not bad but I still can't really see the details of the trichomes. Also, I apologize for not getting any better shots with this 6.1 mp camera. I'm looking into something better as I'm borrowing a friends camera at the moment.

To the haters...all is not lost. What we all do (if we do it) is illegal. Everywhere (or just about) and the penalties are stiff everywhere (or just about) Jail time is jail time, and we all are risking it. Get off your high horses if you happen to be riding one and help support those who need guidance. We're all here to learn and grow together because we can't do it with the public around us.

If you must scoff, or mock. Do it in front of your plants, in your room. Keep the hate out of my grow and off the forum.
first off if i sound like im hating or anything my bad cuz im not and this thread is quite old so i hope you have learned a little but from the first post on this thread i could tell it was not going to go well. and im really surprised nobody said anything about it. 1. what the hell are you using miracle grow for? that is probably one of the worst soils that comes to mind for growing marijuana. marijuana is not like tomatoes or a house plant. use a potting mix with no nutrients in it or a soiless mix. i use pro mix or sunshine mix is a good one too. even fox farm is pretty good. i would never use miracle grow. 2 i dont remember what nutes you are using but on top of it not being a good with ur soil use some good name brand nutes like dutch master for example. thats what i use. my plants are growing like crazy and my first grow i got 2 ounces per plant and that was a shitty harvest off of a 1000 watt light. 3. you should have a better reflector for your light. idk what the hell ur using it looks like a fixture for a shop light that is sold at home depot or menards. get an air coolable hood or a reflector that has a pounded hammer finish if you havent done all this already. 4. NEVER USE TIN FOIL!!!!! tin foil can create hot spots and burn leaves and do all sorts of damage. mylar works or you can just paint the walls flat white. nothing more is really needed. all this stuff is reall simple, common sense and isnt that hard to research. you should have gotten alot off of them plants. and dont use big bins to grow i see that you bought some pots which is good. i use 3 gallon smart pots. works perfectly. just trying to educate not hate. i just cant believe nobody would say anything about this grow no offense.