Bay Area Blues


Well-Known Member
"Sounds like you were about a month into flowering."

I wouldn't go that far but I do have single pistils popping out on the top three bracts of each plant. I don't have multiple pistils in single locations at all yet. Just a few identifiers.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I'm down here in NW Florida. Last year it rained 21 straight days in June and didn't really slack up until late in August. All my shit early flowered. Which I could live with. The rot, not so much.


Well-Known Member
If you threw your plants outdoor (assuming for a few weeks already) then of course it's going to flower. Most growers in California don't start outdoor season until mid May to early June (depending on location). You're in Frisco, which is further north. The earliest to put them outside is this week, as our long daylight length kicks in 1-2 weeks later than down south. Most growers who do start outdoor early, do it in a cold frame greenhouse with supplemental lighting. Depending how long your plants were in flower, you're going to lose 2 weeks to 1 month worth of veg time, for them to revert. You'll start to see new growth again by mid June.
New growth entirely. Mid June as predicted. They're all 4 1/2 feet high right now. Right where I want em'.