Bath salts


Active Member
A thing i read said that dude never had any flesh in his stomach and that he was basicly biting skin off and spitting it out.


Well-Known Member
it wasnt bath salts... it was a zombie, why else wouldnt the cops just stop him instead of putting a bullet through his face


Well-Known Member

  • it wasnt bath salts... it was a zombie, why else wouldnt the cops just stop him instead of putting a bullet through his face​

Lol couldnt have said it better myself

The thing was I was reading that the guy was completely coherent, told his wife he was going out for a bit(e) haha see what I did there? Anyways, he calls her to tell her his car broke down, then that happened.

So like.. What? He has no record of drug use, crime.. Its just an odd case. But you can just buy bath salts at the gas station.. Maybe he was very stressed out and very unintelligently thought he needed a 'tweakin'

But nope.. Zombiez


Active Member
UNCUT ZOMBIE FOOTAGE *EXPLICT* but kinda shitty quality. Now i don't think he just went to the store after breaking down...



Well-Known Member
I better get my kattana sword out and stock up on ammo and canned goods and seeds got to smoke weed during the zombie apocalyps I'll set up a perimiter around the fields some bear traps , snares ,pungy sticks eventually dig a big trench like 15 ft deep so the zombies can't cross I just shoot them like dogs traped in the pit hell ya I'll survive
most definitely zombies


Well-Known Member

Has anyone actually had, or heard of having a good time on bathsalts?


Well-Known Member
^Dextromethorphan, dextrorphan, methoxetamine, ketamine, phencycladine, bath salts. Most likely the first one. Ive made up whole giggling languages on that shit and spoke them fluently! Weird ass drug that one. I have a sick twisted romance.

Anyways yes, I had a great time on bathsalts a few of the times. The thing is once its over, it turns into hell. Now I dont even like the initial high as it is, but I remember liking it a couple times while it was lasting


Well-Known Member
Someones acting "funny", QUICK BLAME BATH SALTS!!!!

This is awesome propaganda. Bath Salts have been on the market for at least 5 years... why the big fuss about it NOW? If bath salts were truly the problem wouldnt these problems have come up YEARS ago?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Ive been hearing about it for at least 3-4 years...people going crazy on it that is.

5 years really isnt that long ago...Do bath salts slow down time?lol


Well-Known Member
Years ago my brother was talking to a headshop owner about all of their RCs:

"these here, well these are like your portabelliums, this is like grass, and this is like your "rave" candy"


Active Member
First of all, what are bath salts?

"The presumption is that most bath salts are MDPV, or methylenedioxypyrovalerone, although newer pyrovalerone derivatives are being made by illegal street chemists.
Nobody really knows, because there is no way to test for these substances."


Well-Known Member
Bath salts could be anything, usually they're just some sort of white or pale colored powdery substance. You could be getting jwh, floro-amphetimines, MEO's, pentedrone, etc which is also probably cut with caffine, sugar, whatever.

Point is, you have absolutely no idea what you are consuming. Fuck that. If you're going to do research chemicals, at least do some RESEARCH and buy it from a reputable lab. Then document the experience/dosage instead of just "take shit, get fucked up". That mentality is the problem in this country, not the chemicals themselves.


Well-Known Member
There is so many different kinds.. In the US its not mephedrone anymore or MDPV. But some other shit, I havent read about all the new RC's yet, but the site I buy from has at least 10 different unscheduled speedy bath salt capable chems.