Basics To Hempy Bucket Growing, 100% Perlite


Active Member
im growing 100% perlite in a hempy bucket and was jus wondering how much to water and what nutes to use... and if theres any good techniques to use to get more bud off a plant i would greatly appreciate it


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Wonder why? Oh well. Just advanced search using boneman as posters name and hempy as a tag. AK47/PPP side by side. You should be able to find it pretty easy.


Well-Known Member
im growing 100% perlite in a hempy bucket and was jus wondering how much to water and what nutes to use... and if theres any good techniques to use to get more bud off a plant i would greatly appreciate it
I don't use perlite anymore - I use hydroton but the watering schedule is the same. I water every other day until the solution comes out of the drip hole. I use GH Flora nutes. As far as techniques - I grow mine au naturale and get very good results. Yield is determined by many factors - light, air, nute solution, size of containers, genetics, etc. You can get the most out of any plant by just keeping it healthy throughout the grow.


Active Member
cowboylogic-i looked at that thread and it helped me some but still cant find out what nutes to use...
everyone else-i would really be greatful if someone has found a good nutrient that can be bought at wal-mart or co-op that would help me out cause i am curently using no nutes and have read alot of these forums and they all say that the yeild basicly depends on the nutes you use during veg and flowering periods

HELP lol


Well-Known Member
Hempy buckets - like all hydroponic methods - require hydroponic nutrients because they have all the micro nutrients that plants require to be healthy. I have never seen them in wal-mart - I pick up mine at my local hydro store. There are many brands on the market - I prefer general hydroponics Flora series.


Well-Known Member
as far as i know there aint any hydro stores around me :(
There are many hydro stores on the internet to choose from. I use I send order in by mail with money order so there is no paper trail - I also have it delivered to a family member that doesn't grow just to be safe.