basic fert 3 question pro mix and organic question


Well-Known Member
is pro mix an organic or just soiless medium like a perlite or rockwool?

question 1
Organic soiless would be a forrest compost so what would pro mix be considered?

Question 2

How would I fert pro mix for veg and flower? hydro ferts? organic? chemical?
i was thinking a hydro fert because if it is soiless like a rockwool I would need micro nutes

Question 3

For a organic forrest mix what organic fert would i use for veg and what for flowering?

I was thinking an organic fox farm liquid fert because organic would make the micros after the NPK is added

Im new at this


Well-Known Member
I woulnd't use any Fox Farm products because they have recently changed. You can use the same soil for veg and flowering. We always mix our own organic soil and I believe it has the best results. You can mix perlite, sand, potting soil, blood meal, bone meal, and sometimes bat guano but we don't use it. No matter what medium you deceide to go with make sure it isn't barky. You always wanna make sure you have well airated soil so your plants can breathe. Also make sure when you are planting your clones or once your ready to plant your seedlings make sure not to pack the dirt tight and moisturize all dirt going into the pot. Good Luck on your grow, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. :)