Basic Design for recirculating DWC? (buckets)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone come across a design for a 4-6 bucket system? I know the basics. Nute Res, controller bucket, then the buckets to plant in. I'm just curious how it all hooks together. I've seen tons of examples in different forums and on youtube but no one seems to explain exactly how the system they are showing works. I've seen float valves in the controller bucket and I've seen systems without a controller bucket with the water connectors placed high on the bucket for the water level as well. That doesn't seem ideal since you would be locked to that particular water level. Thanks for any help given.


Had same problem getting info. Here is system I just finished. No floats. I just timed how long to fill control bucket (30 sec), how long it took to level out entire system(achieve max level desired)-3 mins. Just make sure to return same amount of water to rez that you are pumping into control bucket.16 site recirculating dwc pixs

Just built system. Here is basic run of 16 bucket RDWC I just built (after whole system and rez are full-apx 80 gallons). Starts in 35 gall rez-pump in rez activated by timer-control bucket fills to desired level of all buckets-pump in rez shuts off-3 minutes pass as water feeds to all buckets thru pvc( two rows of 8 five gallon buckets)-after 3 minutes, proper level is achieved in all buckets- another 3 minute rest period-then inline magdrive 1200 pump returns water to rez after both rows of 8 join in a tee at end of rows. I bypassed floats by using and fine tuning a cycle timer that works for both rez, both rest periods and control bucket. The whole cycle of rez pump, level,rest, return pump takes 7 minutes. Each control bucket fill is apx 2.5 gallons. Each return fill is apx 2.5 gallons as well. That means that it takes apx 32 or so cycles to completly recirculate water thru entire sysyem and back to rez. @ 7 min a cycle , that is 3.5 hours. Slow but working. I figure next time I will increase size of pvc to accomadate higher turn-around time for complete recirculation. I have been running with just water for 2 days to test and check for leaks. NONE (knock on wood). I appreciate all feedback and comments. This is my first hydro setup and grow after years of soil. I am excited to say the least. Thanks to all fourms and posts and pixs I used to put this together. By the way-the system sits underneath 2 rows of four 1000 watt hps each for a total of 8000 watts + 80,000 extra lumen from two T5s. Ventilation provided by 10inch fan filter passivly intaking cool air between CO2 enrichment cycles. Commercial air pump pushing 20 airstones(rez, control bucket, all 16 buckets). The air that airpump intakes is outside air and very cool this time of year-this helps maintain cool water temps as well as oxygenate=) Buckets have 10" net pots. Level in buckets adjustable by changing rez pump timer to a shorter cycle and thus pumping less water into system as is being pulled out.


no problem! do a web search for "under current hydroponics" for some great ideas and diagrams(animated walkthroughs). neat stuff.


Active Member
Has anyone come across a design for a 4-6 bucket system? I know the basics. Nute Res, controller bucket, then the buckets to plant in. I'm just curious how it all hooks together. I've seen tons of examples in different forums and on youtube but no one seems to explain exactly how the system they are showing works. I've seen float valves in the controller bucket and I've seen systems without a controller bucket with the water connectors placed high on the bucket for the water level as well. That doesn't seem ideal since you would be locked to that particular water level. Thanks for any help given.

:leaf:I'm running three (4+1) RDWCs. (4) 5-Gallon buckets + (1) 27-Gallon Control Rez.:leaf:
My 27 gallon Control Rez has a 66gph pump that pumps nutes to each of the 4 DWC Pots via a 1/2 poly feed line. The bottoms are connected with 3/4 poly drain line back to the C-R. As the pump pumps nutes into the pots it's draining back into the C-R. All my testing is done from the C-R. When I change nutes it too is done from the C-R.
Each Control Rez:
(2) 7.8LPH ActiveAqua air pumps.
(4) SunLeaves 4" Oxy Air Stones.
(1) ActiveAqua 160 GPH Pump.
Each Pair of 2 DWCs:
(1) 7.8LPH ActiveAqua Air Pump.
(2) SunLeaves 4" Oxy Air Stone.