barneys farm lsd, first scrog how am i doing?


Active Member
hey folks, here is my first scrog grow, they where put into th mesh a bit late but they seem to be doing ok, they are 13 days into 12/12, the pistils are showing clearly now, there is also another 3 that i started from 12/12, they are power skunk, roadrunner and orange bud, there is a picture of the orange bud that i was hoping some one could help me with, the plants leaves are curling under, every other plant is fine, i am using bio bizz nutes, what you folks think of them? i am happy with the so far in my last few grows, this is my first grow with all the extra nutes, i only used the veg and bloom before, i will list everything i am using

400w mh for veg
400w hps for flower
started 12/12 when they where 7 weeks and 2 days
bio bizz nutes
lsd is cann terra pro soil
the other 3 are plagron light mix
ph always set to around 6.5

any feed back on the nutes and soil im using would be great, all comments are acepted good or bad, also anything you think would make this grow better would be good

thanks in advance for any replies


Active Member
thanks for the kind words guys plus rep to use

im not sure on the exact size of the airpot but i would probs say that it is about 10 litres

i voted for you chief, nice looking auto, mm avatar picture is an auto that i am proud off, had to chop it a bit early due to some circumstances


Active Member
So far your plants are doing great, I have grown LSD before and let me say these ladies love to Nutes, I used the Fox Farms line up of Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom as well as added Cal-Mag Plus to each gallon of water. You can search the grow Journal forum and find several complete grow journals done on the LSD (including mine) LSD was my first indoor grow and I did make a few mistakes, but overall it was a good grow and a great smoke. Good Luck



Active Member
these are now 22 days into flower, they are taking the nutes that i am giving them fine, i will not be using the leaf oat anymore as the buds are starting to show, i have small problems that i hope someone an point me in the right direction with, the first being the leaf curl on the orange bud which is picture 4 it has been like this for 1-2 weeks now, the leafs are not yellowing or are they feeling dry, maybe just a wee bit soft if you know what i mean, the second problem is in pictures 5 and 6, the leafs on the plant that was not topped and its the top cola (or would be if it was growing normally) they are yellowing, the vains ar staying green, i think it might be an iron deficiency, what you guys think? and the last problem is picture 7, 1 of the leaves is slightly curling up at the edges (only one blade) maybe it got a bit to hot? it can also be seen in picture 5

once again i would like to here what you think? and any help is appreiated


P.S i would also like to here what peoples average yeild is with this strain per plant and what light you used






Active Member
here is another update, the plants are now 28 days into 12/12, i have been giving them all the bio bizz nutes apart from the leaf coat, im not to sure about it, anyone else usd it before and what did you think?

the yellowing of the leaf is slowly getting worse, anyone got any help on this one?

also do you's think that are a bit strethed or will they fill out?





Active Member
just like to mention that i do not have any of the other plants no more, i only have the three lsd in the scrog, there was not enough light getting to them and thay where stretching



Well-Known Member
just like to mention that i do not have any of the other plants no more, i only have the three lsd in the scrog, there was not enough light getting to them and thay where stretching

Plants are looking good. Mine looks alot more stretched than yours.


Well-Known Member
Nah I just got an 18 inch hood and a little fan. I keep the light as close as I can. Since flowering they've tripled in size though. I'm gonna feed like crazy and hope they fatten and fill out


Active Member
this grow has run into problems, i had to take the plants out the scrog, it was a total nightmare, had to spend ages cutting the screen out the plants so i could take them to the bathroom to flush them, two of them are not coping so well so they got flushed, the other one is spot on, just growing a bit slow, i will get pics up as soon as possible for anyone who wants to see



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your problems. I would like to see the pics of your plants. Ours are about the same age. Here's a pic of mine today (31 days of 12/12)003.JPG002.JPG001.JPG


Active Member

the second and third picture is the one that is not doing to bad, leaves going a lighter coulour and there is one or two pistils browning, the fourth pic is the one that is fine apart from it coming on a bit slower, leaves are also a bit spindly, and the last pics are the one that is causeing the most trouble, i dont have a clue what is wrong with it, they have all had the same watering and feeding