Barney's Farm G13 Haze

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
I have grown it indoors hydro dwc and it grew into a monster here is a pic IMG_0921.jpg

This is 2 plants, they just never seemed to want to finish and the buds I did get were very airy and not that great which really was caused mostly by me I believe. The plants liked really light nutrients and were really stretchy, these were untrained as I grew these as a noob and had no clue how giant they would get. I have 9 foot ceilings and untrained they got out of control. I do have to say it was very tough though and took stress and the two phenos I got never hermied both phenos sativa dom just one was a little shorter with mild indica growth characteristics and the other really stretchy and thin leaved. I would suspect they would do well in scrog indoors as they yielded a lot (of not great) bud and had massive buds and tons of budding locationsIMG_0936.jpg

I just cracked another one 2 weeks ago and it looks to be the taller thinner leaved one so I am excited to try it again. I am really heavily considering cloning and running a couple scrog, or possibly sog as she just got too big and took her time budding. I bought these seeds in 2010


Well-Known Member
if i am to believe my friend, it is quite possible that the "G13" he gave me as a gift is probably from barney's farm, and i have similar experience as blazin purps. very vigorous growth, tons of bud sites, stretchy, long finisher (up to 12 weeks i hear).

i just took some crappy pics in the dark of one that i have, it got too tall for inside so i put it in my greenhouse. it is at about 60 days, i can see it going 3 more weeks easily. the colors are due to the extreme cold it has endured, down to 38 degrees on some nights.

sorry for the bad pic, it was dark and i was high.



Good info. I am growing in an area 20" deep 36" wide and 70" tall in DWC. I hope I have the room!
I think I should rig up a SCROG and keep veg kind of short.