Ban the term "Pot"


Active Member
"I am going to go medicate". Fuckin ignorant, co-dependent and annoying.

Marijuana is a healing plant from the Earth. It heals, not "medicates".

Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a medication; a medicament; a remedy; physic.

An agent that promotes recovery from injury or ailment; a medicine.

You sir, are the ignorant one. It's a remedy to many different it not?


Well-Known Member
You sir, are the ignorant one. It's a remedy to many different it not?
We can knock around personal definitions all day, I have done it before too many times to count.

It can be called a remedy yes, but that is not what I was talking about. If you wish to call me (personally) ignorant, at least stay on the topic I was pointing out.

I was specifically talking about the people who use the healing properties of Marijuana as an excuse to "medicate" (nudge, nudge, snicker). I could go on and on what I think about the "medical movement", but this is not what this is about.

But lets stay on topic so you don't personally insult me for sharing my views.
"Pot" is too classic to give up. It is also very useful in determining someones understanding of the marijuana issue. I get a kick out of it when I hear something like, "He smokes THE pot."
Yeah, I always like one, too. I use it a lot when I'm kidding around with my friends.


Well-Known Member
i think cannabis is the term newsreaders and politicians should use.
me and my friends use just about any word that pops in to our heads to call it :

you got any -insert word-?. yes i do and it's the finest -insert word- you have ever smoked!.

if you are within a community of smokers i'm pretty sure they will not mind what you call it so long as you're sharing


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the relevance of your post? The thread was about different alias' of cannabis, not it's medicinal qualities.


Well-Known Member
We should ban the term Marijuana. That is mexican slang, as far as I know. It is cannabis. I never call it marijuana anymore. This is the same english/american egotism where we changed the name of foreign contries and cities whenever we felt like it. Florence Italy is actually Fiorenze. As for the word "pot", I don't mind that.


Well-Known Member
I personally hate the term "meds" for Marijuana.

Reminds me of a bunch of co-dependent people whining to get their meds. I also hate the term, "I am going to go medicate". Fuckin ignorant, co-dependent and annoying.

Marijuana is a healing plant from the Earth. It heals, not "medicates".

However, I don't go starting threads and try to convince people how to talk.
Damn theres a lot of people that will be glad to know the cannabis heals cancer!

tr.v. med·i·cat·ed, med·i·cat·ing, med·i·cates 1. To treat with medicine.

and that's not a wiki.

In our side of the world, it is medicine. Don't knock it.


Active Member
I just call bud "smoke" it's neutral and anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about will think I'm talking about a fag. I've never understood why it is called "pot" though...never...

I personally hate the term "meds" for Marijuana.

Reminds me of a bunch of co-dependent people whining to get their meds. I also hate the term, "I am going to go medicate". Fuckin ignorant, co-dependent and annoying.

Marijuana is a healing plant from the Earth. It heals, not "medicates".

However, I don't go starting threads and try to convince people how to talk.
A) I medicate with my weed and because of that I do call it my meds and I do say that I'm going to medicate, why? BECAUSE I AM AND IT IS!

B) Cannabis doesn't actually HEAL anything, it makes things bearable and HELPS relieve several medical conditions. EX: cancer patients get cannabis because it makes them want to eat and keep food down, helps with the pain and relaxes them so that they can take care of themselves better. When you are able to feed and fuel your body, then your body+cemo fights the cancer better.


Well-Known Member
I just call bud "smoke" it's neutral and anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about will think I'm talking about a fag. I;ve never understood why it is called "pot" though...never...
look up potiguaya. I'm pretty sure that's got something to do with it.


Well-Known Member
I just call bud "smoke" it's neutral and anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about will think I'm talking about a fag. I;ve never understood why it is called "pot" though...never...

A) I medicate with my weed and because of that I do call it my meds and I do say that I'm going to medicate, why? BECAUSE I AM AND IT IS!

B) Cannabis doesn't actually HEAL anything, it makes things bearable and HELPS relieve several medical conditions. EX: cancer patients get cannabis because it makes them want to eat and keep food down, helps with the pain and relaxes them so that they can take care of themselves better. When you are able to feed and fuel your body, then your body+cemo fights the cancer better.

Thats exactly why I put the two terms in my post. And your doesnt heal anything. It medicates hence the term "Meds"! btw KuLong....what does cannabis actually heal?


Well-Known Member
I love the "Pot" - and around here it's a different story... So in this hole country people call anything that is grown indoor (or outdoor in another country where great bud will finish and ripe totally before this damn frost takes them) - anyway, great marijuana that has lots of trichomes on them is called "Skunk" - everything grown indoor or really potent. Less potent weed (mostly due to unripen bud due to outdoor grows) is called Pot. Most people here smoke poor hash mixed with tobaco - yes ew! When they can get "skunk" they love it. Most don't even think about the possibility that this could be grown by themselves ;O))

My problem with calling my marijuana "cannabis" is that the plants that contain almost no THC grown for fibre and stuff are also cannabis... but they're not mariuana ;O)


Active Member
I'm starting to like the work cannabis as a common name especially since more ears are turning in favor of decriminalizing it. The green lady deserves either a respectful name or a loving name it's easier to say cannabis instead of marijuana.