Bagseed+Recoverying all fluoro[1st Grow]


Well-Known Member
Thanks spittin!:joint:Super cool u do the 12/12 to sex thing, i was thnkin it'd work.
Im probly gona add more light soon, that'll prolly be when i 12/12.
Oh and what exactly is LST'in?
LST is Low Stress training. its a method that encourages U to bend and tie down the plant to promote growth in other areas. it kinda restricts the plant from growing too tall or bushing out too much. its best to use when U have a small space to grow in. I wont explain the details to it bcuz its in the grow faq -> GrowFAQ but definitely look into it.

and unlike topping the plant, LST can be un-done.

I respect your outlook and everything... But what i said is absolutly right, and when i say ph up. I mean down, so whatever. The genetics determine things like yeild and node space... Not wrinkled over watered un ph'd leaves. These are the keys to findng the happy medium of a plant, yes you can nut every week... But thats up to whenever and whatever nutes he is using.

Lie i said good info, only it wasnt needed because what i said will truley help the guy.. Dont beleive me? Read my journal, page two... That looks familiar doesnt it.
I have no idea what ur upset about, ph fluctuation causes twists, and brown spots on the leaves, accompanied by yellowing.
the wrinkle is usually due to overwatering and/or genetics.

its true that U can have a combination of both and create an even more complicated problem..but in this case oden's ph is fine. I think his lights are a lil too close to his plants, and he may be slightly overwatering them but that will straighten out in due time.

U need to brush up on ur knowledge, genetics are responsible for a lot more than node spacing and yeild.
also cannabis is one of the stronger plants that dont need a lot of nutrients to live, not only is it safer as a rule of thumb to feed on the light side its also smarter!
Under-fed plants are easier to remedy than over-fed plants. its all a matter of being in touch with ur plants to understand them "speaking their language" in a way.

Plus I found this post in ur journal

I use bottled water, like i said i just turned the lights on, later on the leaves will reach out for the light, and around 9pm when i turn the lights off the leaves start to dropp at about 830.... they know when its battery time(night). Its actually getting better than before, the once yellow spots are now greenish and receding. I apreciate the help though, i dont see how the lights are too close....
if U are using bottled water then U shouldnt have ph problems.

Genetics is what caused ur plant to look like this

and genetics is what is responsible for that same plant growing out of it.
nice job on ur journal btw

and great job with the reflectors and update oden. way to grow

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Plus I found this post in ur journal

if U are using bottled water then U shouldnt have ph problems.

Genetics is what caused ur plant to look like this

I disagree, i believe this is an over nuted plant, the soil probably has too strong of nutrients and is smothering the plant....

I am new but i had this same problem and im in coco so all i had to do was stop giving my plant so much nutes and now its one of my favorites!!!

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Things are looking good oden... and I don't know what that little growth is, but it's interesting, and something you should keep an eye on... keep us updated on that for sure.

instead of switching them to 12/12 and switching them back to veg... take a clone and switch it to 12/12... I wish I would have done that... it would have made things easier for me lol

good luck man

The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good oden... and I don't know what that little growth is, but it's interesting, and something you should keep an eye on... keep us updated on that for sure.

instead of switching them to 12/12 and switching them back to veg... take a clone and switch it to 12/12... I wish I would have done that... it would have made things easier for me lol

good luck man

Thanks man!:joint:

Yeah, I know i have 2 females so ill just find out if #1 is when I 12/12 them all.


Well-Known Member
whOA! looking good, they got big after not seeing them for 2 days lol.

Instead of scrog i think ive decided to just LST alot. Made my first move today on 6-a, is this how its usealy done? I used that green floral wire stuff.

wHat yALl thInK!?



Well-Known Member
Ive never seen anyone LST like that before, but its looks like it just may do the trick!

most growers tie around the top of the plant and pull it downward like so...

that'll keep it from running into the light:roll:
the leaves and branches all will correct themselves and grow in the direction of the light.

you can bend it as far as you want, its flexible. and if any branches are getting too close to the light, U may have to tie that branch down.

if U accidentally bend it too far U will end up "supercropping" ur plant which was another favorite technique of mine up until last grow.

plants look amazing bro, keep it up

edit: heres a youtube video on supercropping -> YouTube - Medical Marijuana Cultivation 102: Super Cropping



Well-Known Member
Thanks spitten!

Lol yeah i didnt really do much research on Lstin till after i tied those down, but they have been untied for awhile now. I think im going to continue to veg #1 some where esle under some T12s and scrog the two 6s' in my cab.

Supercropping looks cool too, might have to try sumtime.


New Member
Supercropping= waste of time. I tried it on a few branches, reduced yeilds dramatically so far.

As for LST you know your supposed to keep them tied down for almost the whole grow?

I may have missed something but it seems like you were under the impression that you tie it down like that for a while and it stays. If so no this isnt what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Oh no man, I know it takes a lot longer for it to actuly stay like that, just decided to scrog instead so i took it out.

And yeah, I could see how supercroping could be good but id be afraid lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry i havent posted in a while.
#1 is awsome, and the smaller 6 is good to but some shits goin on with one of the 6s. Little brown spots and a couble big leaves like clawing and yellowing some,(CHEAP SOIL SUCKS MY DICK!)lol Ide problly be so much better off if i didnt cheap out.

BRB ,taken pics!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Here they are.There are some definite female preflowers on both the ones from dr shakalus #6. Still havent built a scrog screen, today or tomarrow for sure.

Oh and i toped all of them 2 days ago.

That yellowing/burning is makein me worried, OH and i got the pH up/down kit and ive been watering with water that is around 5-6 pH.



Well-Known Member
Got the screen built and inpalce!

Ive decided im going gona do all three so i can fill the screen fast.

Same light as before fourX40watters and twoX26ers, just put to the roof of the cab, I think it might be to high what you guys think??

Also yesterday I top a bunch of times, and removed some sickly ass leaves.

And ive been watering with cal-mag.


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks wolfman!
Gona go adjust lights now, i put them up really good with staples and ducktape and its gona be a bitch to mvoe them lol

And 12/12 already???:confused:

In that case ill probly top a ton more in like 3 days and then in another 3 days flower?

Oh yeah, i was thinkin pH fluctuation, it was right when i got that ph up/down kit and i was messin around with the water alittle bit, and for the clawing, I think it happend when one night my fan that moves air around inside, fell. Luckily no damage to the girls but i think the air got stagnat when it wasnt moving around. But i ahve OK intake and good exsaughst so mabey not.


Junior Creatologist
nice trees man, definitely subscribed. Your shit is lookin real nice. For the box you made and the space you have, defnitley 12/12 that fucker, they will STTTTTTRRRRRREEEEEEEETTTTCHHHHHH like a muthafukka dude. Ive only had mine on 12/12 for 4 days, and every single morning when i switch my lights back on im like WTF?!, lol its fuckin great.

N i actually had the same question as you about topping. I wanted to top my plants one more time before they started budding but i just said fuckit. Its too late to top once you go into 12/12 right? or should i top, revert back to 20/4 for a week, n then go back to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
nice trees man, definitely subscribed. Your shit is lookin real nice. For the box you made and the space you have, defnitley 12/12 that fucker, they will STTTTTTRRRRRREEEEEEEETTTTCHHHHHH like a muthafukka dude. Ive only had mine on 12/12 for 4 days, and every single morning when i switch my lights back on im like WTF?!, lol its fuckin great.

N i actually had the same question as you about topping. I wanted to top my plants one more time before they started budding but i just said fuckit. Its too late to top once you go into 12/12 right? or should i top, revert back to 20/4 for a week, n then go back to 12/12?
Fuck yeah man great to have you!

How long have you been 12/12?

It might be ok to top now if your still in the stretch phase of flowering.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I agree... it's still safe to top or trim... I think you have like a 2 week grace period after switching to 12/12... I wouldn't do it after that. The trick is to trim before they start settling into actually making buds. Mine are a bit over 3 weeks into flower, and I have noticed that they are not vegging as much as before.. but I spot new bud sights every day. I better think twice before trimming now.. since I can't count on new growth to fill in the space.

Oden.. thats a great plan to wait 3 days and top some more..

Kingspade.. if you still want, you could top your ladies now..

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah then thats the plan.:joint:bongsmilie

i toped the bigest ones 4 main tops tonight, and in about 3 days ima top some more and then after about 3 more days ill 12/12.

OH and I used the bottom pieces of the pots to raise them all about 3inches.

Pix Tomarow!:eyesmoke:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Looking great!! but they look even better in person! 2 thumbs way way up my friend!!! wait till some of my bomb ass genetics shits are making clones!!! that is going to be the shit!!! keep at it man i will hit you up later! :fire: