Bag seed wont stop growing >.<


Active Member
Its an outdoor crop from a mexican brick weed called arizona or AZ stress and it is next to my other outdoor kush plants, while my kush is budding heavily my bag seed is already 3 feet and still havent show sex. Low stress or topping or even super cropping wont help becuase all the dam shoots are the same size as the main cola even the lowest shoot. Blocking some light to my other plants but main concern is it doubles or tripples in size and will be in reaching distance to a noisey thief nieghbor who might pinch.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a problem I'd like to have ;) But seriously, if you can't even tie them down, you may have to resort to some serious pruning. But there must be a way that you can tie them down so you don't have to resort to clipping them, right? There is always a way to tie them down.

EDIT: Even if you have to resort to near horizontal growth, it's possible.


Well-Known Member
how long has it been flowering, i had a sativa which wouldn't stop growing first 2 weeks into flower it doubled the plant size, after the first 2 weeks vertical growth stopped and it just focused the energy on bud production