Bad #$%^^#$ Dream


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in lucid dreaming, been trying meditation etc etc but still have never got anywhere with it. I used to think that kind of stuff was bullshit and still don't know if I believe it but have just opened my mind to the possibility so want to see what all the fuss is about.

On the subject of your dream plantvision, I think this is the worst time ever to be toying with the law and in your gut you probably know it too, even if you aren't one of the people who admits there's some serious shit wrong lately and don't believe in the NWO and every byte you type online being collected and tracked including your location and your smart phone etc. Even if all you believe in is the patriot act then now is a very good time to consider taking a break, I think, until we see what really happens one way or anther or we get the freedom back to not be spyed on with the patriot act.

You do know most recently indiana passed a law where any police officer has the right to enter your home illegally for any reason or no reason at all right? These are all clues that your subconcious is picking up on but maybe you don't want to admit are true conciously.

I feel lucky myself that I was forced to get out of growing due to a recent dui. I've never slept better. If it turns out all the NWO talk and my concerns was for nothing, and we get our rights to privacy and against illegal and unwarranted searches back, then I'll get my card again and go back at it legally again but right now I wouldn't even want to be growing on a state medical card, since the feds could easily screw you and if they can they probably will.

If nothing else I'd sure as shit stop saying I was doing something I shouldn't online or on the phone.

Even if the only thing that were true is what we know to be true about smart phones, that they are tracking everywhere you go 24/7 and storing that data for a full year, and uploading it to certain sites to give you "aditional features", that alone would be enough for me to know it's time to be extra careful with your future.


Active Member
i haven't read any but your first post in this bro, i too have dreams like that. where ill go into my room and i will find it swarming with bugs, trying to kill them all to save my babies. my neighbor busting in the door and slamming open the closet.

ive been lucid dreaming for about 7 years now

from my experience with dreams a lot of the time you tend to dream about your worries, sometimes they manifest into something worse, or sometimes you can make it into something more to your liking (depending on what level of consciousness you are, while your in your dream state)

i don't think you have anything to worry about, accept maybe worrying a little less hehehe. dream on man.
I worked on lucid dreaming for over 3 years, made slight progress, was on ocassion to lucid dream for a few minutes.

But it is damn hard work trying to control yourself from going into sleep. Finally just gave it up, because I just wanted to sleep.