Backbreaking labor.


Well-Known Member
20+ years as a carpet/floor guy.I've had plenty of back trauma!
The best treatment I ever had? exercise! I did a therapy routine for about a year.all geared for my hurt like hell to workout when I could barely walk but the results were impressive! I've had disc issues in the past, exercising/ working out had me feeling 75% normal 10x faster than anything else..
But I don't workout anymore...
I do work smarter!
No doubt. I find exercise and a good diet is the best. Most pain killers including OTC cause rebound pain.


Well-Known Member
20+ years as a carpet/floor guy.I've had plenty of back trauma!
The best treatment I ever had? exercise! I did a therapy routine for about a year.all geared for my hurt like hell to workout when I could barely walk but the results were impressive! I've had disc issues in the past, exercising/ working out had me feeling 75% normal 10x faster than anything else..
But I don't workout anymore...
I do work smarter!

I used to do flooring but a toyota camry to the knee put a stop to that.

Shame went from $14 an hour to minimum wage. Oh well that's life.

Downside though, and probably one of the reasons why my back got so messed up, is I can't lift with my legs like I should. My knee's too wrecked to take that kind of strain. Now a lot of times if I can get it up on my shoulder I don't have any problems at all. It's just lifting a 75lb floor jack 6ft into the air from the ground. That's always been the difficult part.

The hardware store did provide back braces but they were junk. Flimsy and didn't offer any real support. I've actually been using them for the last few months.

Back to work tomorrow, washing dishes.


Staff member
I swear narcotics make the pain worse not better. Although they feel great in the short run...whats injection atrophy @sunni ?
basically my body rejected my steroid injection even though i told the doctor NOT to do it. but he did it anyways because i should shut up and put up.
i told him to tell me the side effects for steroid injections on a 24 year old woman, and he said nothing and did it anyways
i shouldve been more impolite and tell him firmly NO.
but basically , my body rejected it and i lost(it ate it) all the fat and muscle in that area, my skin also went bleached white there.
i have a hard time holding things in that hand now obviously.

steroid injections take away the pain for a little bit, but they have terrible side effects,
not to go TMI but my monthly cycle was also fucked up for about 3 -4 months afterwards and it never is normally.
its basically a band aid situation that does more damage than good

i went back to see him to tell him and show him what he did, he didnt believe me when i called, he appoloigzed many times. i told him i said "i told you NOT TO"


Well-Known Member
Well fuck....the injections are the next step in my treatment....although they did work on my hopefully they'll work on my lower back. Shoulders hurting and not being able to freakin walk is a lot different situation. Who knows. Sorry to be a month and a half late on tha thread.


Well-Known Member
Back breaking labor is holding a 1 inch impact gun busting lugs off of a kenworth. ...back breaking labor is breaking down tires off rims and re mounting them....back breaking labor is being a heavy diesel mechanic

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
backward somersault on a trampoline, landed on head in middle of trampoline, tried a break fall, force of me going down met the force of me going up at the L3, 2x vertical 1x horizontal fractures
You guys with your manly injuries are putting me to shame, I did mine on trampoline without falling off!