Back to the basics or Pre-Packaged? Why are we fighting?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I think that this needs saying.
Nothing wrong with the "back to the basics" approach. In fact, I applaud it. The reason there are so many pre-packaged nutes out there is that the back to basics route requires a bit of commitment and effort. Before I "retired", I just didn't have the TIME to devote to going all the way with it. Now that I have more time on my hands, I can do it and do it right. I'd love to have a rabbit hutch with a worm bed right underneath it, my own compost bin, rain catchment system, ad biochar facility and am well on my way to that end. I save my eggshells, coffee grounds (and even collect them from the local Waffle house!!)
A lot of people don't have that luxury. Those who live in big cities, and are juggling a job, family and growing, etc. And for those folks, the pre packaged stuff is a fantastic thing.
If someone is using pre-packaged organics (or even chemical ferts for that matter) we as organic gardeners shouldn't snub them or ridicule them. The main point is they are growing MJ!!! BRAVO!! Obviously I'd love it if everyone could be 100% organic and strive for sustainability, but that aint gonna happen any time soon.
What we SHOULD rage against are the overstated and sometimes misleading claims made by MFGRs. "This is gonna give you a 12oz Bud" "Use this product and you'll get great smoke and have lots of girlfriends". But if the public didn't buy into he hype, they wouldn't do it.
As I see it, our job as experienced growers who participate in or on a forum is to try and educate the newbies and first time growers. Not to bash the entire nutrient industry. (Or each other for that matter) I have seen some really intelligent posts from some seemingly intelligent folks who I THINK I would like to get to know in cyberspace,only to have a thread collapse into a trainwreck. This doesn't look good to the newbies, and may discourage them from paying attention to the ones who they need to be paying attention to.
Us Old Skool'ers need to at least TRY to set an example for the younger folks out there. And No, I'm not putting an age on maturity. I know plenty of young folks who are lightyears ahead of some older folks.
I guess what I'm trying to say is let's not lose sight of the fact why we're all here. To grow MJ. Me, I'm here to learn, from whoever has something to say. It's up to me to take what I read for what it's worth.

I'm off the soap box! Peace!

Jack Harer


Active Member
This is an excellent post and I totally agree, we're all here with a common interest and should be committed to helping each other.