back for some help....again


Active Member
whats up guys, well I have a few more ladies going right now, but one of them is definately not happy with me, picture is of one of the affected leaves, but theres quite a few more like it. I have 5 plants, all look awesome except this one. 5 gallon buckets with Sunshine Mix #4, being fed with GH 2 part, and some AN b-52 (free sample so I decided to give it a try). Any idea what deficiency/toxicity this is? I've got a chart but everytime I think I've found out what it is I second geuss myself not wanting to do any further damage
.problem leaf.jpgproblemplant.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can't say for sure, but it does look like calcium/magnesium deficiency. More likely magnesium. I sometimes get leaves like that late in veg. Calmag or Epsom salts usually fix them right up.

This is especially true if your using RO water, but I still get cal-mag deficiencies even with tap water. I add cal mag or epsom salt every other watering through veg.


Active Member
thanks kush nute burn went through my mind as well, but it's only about 4 or 5 leaves, and it's only had straight tap water for the last 2 or 3 waterings. I'm gonna try some some calmag next watering and see what it does.