Back at it AGAIN!!!


Active Member
7 girls under a 4' T5 @ 5 weeks in veg. Soon to go under a 600 watt hps and into flower they are in a 4'x4' tent in Aurora 707 soil and in 5 gallon pots. They also have not had any real nutes besides rapid start and super thrive. Going to be using advanced nutrients micro, grow, bloom.

Blackwater OG, Blue OG, OG Kush, Kosher Kush, Sage in Sour, Green Crack, Cotton Candy... can't wait!!!

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Active Member
Thanks Babaka20! Yes they are from seed and I would have to say I keep them about 10-12 inches from the T5. Just had to raise the lights last night due to their growth rates, lol

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Active Member
My bad guys lol... a little slow on the pics but here's a shot of the cuttings I took the other day. Pretty sure I lost one of the GC's but for my fist run at cloning, it can't be that shabby lol

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Active Member
This is a leaf in my veg tent. Should I be worried about the slight discoloration around the edge of the leaf?

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Active Member
No, no mold but thanks for the concern... I keep a real sterile environment. One of them is starting to yellow a bit. Is that normal?

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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Just figured out this app on my phone lol... what do you guys think?

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Those are some good looking plants homeslice!

No, no mold but thanks for the concern... I keep a real sterile environment. One of them is starting to yellow a bit. Is that normal?

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You said earlier that you haven't given them any real ferts yet, why not hit em with 1/4 strength then?
If your worried about the yellowing.

Do you already have them in the roots 707 soil? Or is that what you're gonna transplant them into?


Active Member
Thanks Gary Goodson! They are still in rapid rooters at the moment. Will be transplanting into the 707. Have a spray bottle of the left over water from cloning. It has a light nute mix to it but i need to take the PH down a bit to give or take 5.9-6

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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Oh ok, I was asking because roots soil is known to be hot so once you transplant them they'll green up for ya.

I use regular roots organic soil and I can't complain at all.


Active Member
6 days later the girls are still looking good! Not sure when to look for or expect root/rooted decelopment? Will check in 2-3 more days I think....

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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
They do look good man. I would go ahead and check one of them for roots. I also like taking clones around that size because from the time I clone till I put them in flower is usually 8-9 weeks.


Active Member
Thanks Gary Goodson! I checked a couple of them and they do, just not that big yet. I figure I will give them a couple more days in the dome.

How tall are your girls (usually) when you put them into flower?

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