Bachmann should be sued


Well-Known Member
I am not a fan of big pharma, but what Bachmann said about the HPV vaccine is just wrong. Merck and GSK should sue her for trying to scare people. I doubt that there even is a woman who spoke to her after the debate. I believe she made it up.
It's just wrong that people like Bachmann in the public spotlight can get away with saying anything they want.
What do you think would happen if I, as a private citizen, were to take out a full page ad in the paper that said "The HPV vaccine caused my sister's baby to be born retarded". Assuming I could get a newspaper to print it (not a chance), I would be sued and I would lose.


Active Member
No different than the Rahm Emanuel lie about his Chicago residence qualification, or how about the whole damn congress lie about Iraq's WMD's, or how about Richard Blumenthal and his lies about serving in Viet Nam. It has become commonplace for politico's to lie, as they have little to fear with regards towards criminal prosecution. The only time they get in a fix is when they speak out verses a certain middle eastern welfare state.


Well-Known Member
You're right of course. Lies abound. Not only from politicians, but from the media as well.

The reason I mentioned a suit is because in this instance, Bachmann has said something that has the potential to harm. Both in causing people to not have the vaccine due to unfounded fear precipitated by Bachmann's comments, as well as causing business harm to the pharmaceuticals.


Well-Known Member
clearly you haven't done your homework on the harm HPV vaccines are doing to some young women. Mandatory? All women need to do is stop having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and be damned choosey with whom they have sex.


Well-Known Member
clearly you haven't done your homework on the harm HPV vaccines are doing to some young women. Mandatory? All women need to do is stop having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and be damned choosey with whom they have sex.
You changed the subject, PetFlora. What Perry did was wrong, but my post is about what Bachmann said. There is no evidence whatsoever that the vaccine causes retardation. She produced no "woman" who said that it happened. It was irresponsible, and in my non-professional opinion, slanderous.


Well-Known Member
We can have that debate if you want. This was about Bachmann. What Perry did was well-intentioned, and imo women and girls are foolish not to get the vaccine. But, it should have been an opt-in, not an opt-out. I am not opposed to even barring enrollment in public school for certain things, like a vaccine for comminicable diseases (unless there is a good medical reason). However, I would not put HPV in that category. Comminicable, yes. But you don't get it walking around the hallways of a school. That's my 2 cents.


New Member
We can have that debate if you want. This was about Bachmann. What Perry did was well-intentioned, and imo women and girls are foolish not to get the vaccine. But, it should have been an opt-in, not an opt-out. I am not opposed to even barring enrollment in public school for certain things, like a vaccine for comminicable diseases (unless there is a good medical reason). However, I would not put HPV in that category. Comminicable, yes. But you don't get it walking around the hallways of a school. That's my 2 cents.
before your kid is immunized you have to give permission. What does it matter if its opt in or out? This aint software it is clearly spelled out with no coercion.


Well-Known Member
Opt in means it doesn't happen unless you DO give your permission. Opt out means it happens if you say nothing, missed the notice, whatever. Big difference. It sounds like you support opt-in actually. As do I.


Well-Known Member
he doesn't get into school without immunizations either....


it's typical of the political talking heads to lie as long as an enabling media just gives them a free pass.

"over 90% of what planned parenthood does is abortions" Jon Kyl - speaking on the floor in congress, going into the congressional record.

same day, in the afternoon "it was not intended to be a factual statement"

he was just bullshitting to make some sort of political point....


Well-Known Member
The GOP does that sort of thing way more than the left imo. That said, it comes from the left too. Like when they talk entitlement reform and they drag out the "my grandmother on SS" bs. Everyone knows that any reform will not affect current retirees, or even people retiring within 5 years or more.


New Member
The GOP does that sort of thing way more than the left imo. That said, it comes from the left too. Like when they talk entitlement reform and they drag out the "my grandmother on SS" bs. Everyone knows that any reform will not affect current retirees, or even people retiring within 5 years or more.
Ryans plan will affect me though

So FUck him and the Tea baggers he rode in on