<b>DEA Wins Confidential Files</b>


Well-Known Member

that's funny. just arguing with the wife on the same concept.

too bad you accept that as your truth.

as for me my gramps taught me how to be a tough fucker. think roughneck.

as opposed to a wimpy, pudgy, whine-ass that can't hardly change a tire, i'd be classified as a fucking chainsaw.

i also have three chainsaw brothers, and a chainsaw son.


Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I'm no pushover. When my time comes I will be swinging away. But there's a difference between being a pussy and being smart about it. All I'm saying is you jump on an agent because he's robbing a patient/caregiver and you don't get shot, they'll get you as soon as reinforcements come. And that's assuming they don't show up with a gang like they usually do.

It'll be in the local paper about your terror plot against federal agents and never heard from again. We need active numbers to tilt this thing in our favor.

But just in case we need to go logging, I've got a few chainsaws over here as well


Well-Known Member
Isn't it up to the population to make its own choices, as in we the people, for the people, by the people?
Or are we in 2011, limited to voting for who our "leaders" will be, instead of electing "representatives" of we the people?
Well, I ask you "representatives" where the fuck are 63% of you?
I say fuck all that support the troops fighting for freedom bullshit.
It's time for our government to support it's people and our will.
Examples like this kind of make it easier to see how we got in the financial mess we're in, and
yet again shows the utter lack of fiscal responsibility of a power hungry government intent on keeping its
collective boot on the throat of this so called free country. By any means nessessary. At any cost nessessary.
You just can't put a price on the effort to keep us so free.
Go after one of the few programs government can point to that isn't gushing red ink,
and spare no expense, save no tactic, and leave no law unbroken to shut it down.
What a country!
My god Bill Hicks had it right.


New Member
be careful-

insinuating threat towards public officials. i would have to believe that combo of words trips the filter.

with that being said, maybe its time for us to start rounding up the names of federal agents. you would think that it's public info under the freedom of information act, unless they're intelligence.

when caregivers start going down, so do agents, right at their home, public arrest. FOR TREASON to The Constitution of These United States!

sure that would be a shit fest. it will be the only way to stop this.

you guys know we don't elect the president right? the electoral college is made up of businessman. imagine if these yuckos elect someone who would USE all these new "special powers" that they are granting themselves.
they are oragnizng against us in a war like fashion. and i don't mean just potheads.
key words like 44,sawzaw,plastic and pig farmer. i pitty the dumb ass walking up on my porch going to get his ass ate by chowchows. all the more reasons not to go to a collective. they copy all your info and they will be first to go down.


Well-Known Member
Telling ya, a million motherfuckers blocking the gate at the white house.... And staying there for days until they lay the fuck off. Kind of like the deal over in Egypt...

That's what we need. Maybe if we offer free cheetos and faygo pop we can get a crowd....


Well-Known Member
Schutte is such a wonderful mothfucker eh?

This fucking state sucks donkey dick.
I was thinking of starting an initiative to recall this idiot, but it wouldtake just under 900k signatures within 90 days. Since that would mean 10ksignatures per day there is no way I can devote that much time or moneyunfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Telling ya, a million motherfuckers blocking the gate at the white house.... And staying there for days until they lay the fuck off. Kind of like the deal over in Egypt...

That's what we need. Maybe if we offer free cheetos and faygo pop we can get a crowd....

We are so far along and so deep in shit I would not be surprised to find this the only option worth investing in.


Well-Known Member
We are so far along and so deep in shit I would not be surprised to find this the only option worth investing in.
It really is the only option. This country needs a revolution, not only for marijuana, that is pretty bottom on the list. I'm not sure what it is going to take, maybe when all of this unemployment runs out and 20%+ americans are losing their homes, cars, way of living... maybe then people will wake up when they can't rely on the Obama administration to support them anymore.


Well-Known Member
We the people are all alone. Perhaps in this revolution we may need russias help. Russia would be on it like stink on shit. The russians remember the cold war much better then we ever even knew.

Oh america what have you done to be on top?


Active Member
It really is the only option. This country needs a revolution, not only for marijuana, that is pretty bottom on the list. I'm not sure what it is going to take, maybe when all of this unemployment runs out and 20%+ americans are losing their homes, cars, way of living... maybe then people will wake up when they can't rely on the Obama administration to support them anymore.
Forget unemployment the Government has claimed the right to assassinate US citizens without due process. If the President doesn't like you they can have you killed without any oversight! Quote Obama "I've got two words for you, Predator drone."

n Barack Obama's America, the way guilt is determined for American citizens -- and a death penalty imposed -- is that the President, like the King he thinks he is, secretly decrees someone's guilt as a Terrorist. He then dispatches his aides to run to America's newspapers -- cowardly hiding behind the shield of anonymity which they're granted -- to proclaim that the Guilty One shall be killed on sight because the Leader has decreed him to be a Terrorist. It is simply asserted that Awlaki has converted from a cleric who expresses anti-American views and advocates attacks on American military targets (advocacy which happens to be Constitutionally protected) to Actual Terrorist "involved in plots." These newspapers then print this Executive Verdict with no questioning, no opposition, no investigation, no refutation as to its truth. And the punishment is thus decreed: this American citizen will now be murdered by the CIA because Barack Obama has ordered that it be done. What kind of person could possibly justify this or think that this is a legitimate government power?

Just to get a sense for how extreme this behavior is, consider -- as the NYT reported -- that not even George Bush targeted American citizens for this type of extra-judicial killing (though a 2002 drone attack in Yemen did result in the death of an American citizen). Even more strikingly, Antonin Scalia, in the 2004 case of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, wrote an Opinion (joined by Justice Stevens) arguing that it was unconstitutional for the U.S. Government merely to imprison (let alone kill) American citizens as "enemy combatants"; instead, they argued, the Constitution required that Americans be charged with crimes (such as treason) and be given a trial before being punished. The full Hamdi Court held that at least some due process was required before Americans could be imprisoned as "enemy combatants." Yet now, Barack Obama is claiming the right not merely to imprison, but to assassinate far from any battlefield, American citizens with no due process of any kind. Even GOP Congressman Pete Hoekstra, when questioning Adm. Blair, recognized the severe dangers raised by this asserted power.

Until more American's are willing to look past the Orwellian memory hole nothing will change. Especially considering the homeless are often just warehoused in prisons to feed that particular branch of the industrial complex. Keep in mind that "[the] United States incarcerates more people then any other country in the world including the more populous nation of China." [1] In 2008, "for the first time in history, more than one in every 100 adults in America are in jail or prison." [1] Midyear 2006, 1 in 9 black males age 20-34 were incarcerated. [1] Those 20%+ will just quietly disappear into jails and if they cause too much trouble they may be disappeared by more forceful means.

Those who do not learn from history... You know the rest!

[1] http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/report_detail.aspx?id=35904


Well-Known Member
When I was growing up my father told me he thought we were headed towards another revolution someday. I think that the tea pot has been steamng for awhile now and the metal wants to melt.

I sure hope things get turned towards the light or before long the cities will be on fire for those to see during the day. If anyone you meet does not believe we are at a tipping point in the history of mankind he is a fool. My generation will die out until everything is diffrent.


Well-Known Member
For people who do not know, it is not the Obama administration who is doing the bad job. It's the people you elect to the senate and the house of representatives. If you really want change, and I mean want change, vote for someone different, someone who actually will do something for our nation instead of which party they are in. The President doesn't really run anything, he is mostly just a front man. It's the representatives we elect who are the ones that make the laws, the president just signs off on them.

As someone mentioned earlier, there needs to be some kind of million man/woman march on D.C. The only way they will listen is if enough people get together for the same cause and let these stuck up, selfish, closed mind people know we want this to happen, that it would be good for the economy. Look at how much money they would make. There would be a huge increase in gardening supplies, fertilizers, electricity usage, water usage, the need for permits, the taxes from doctors, etc. etc. We all know that with an increase in sales of anything creates the need for jobs, the more people who are employed the more money will be spent and the more taxes will be paid, on top of an increase in the need of other products that we use on a daily basis. Medical marijuana would solve our debt problem. I just hope the people in D.C. wake up and realize this.


Active Member
I was thinking of starting an initiative to recall this idiot, but it wouldtake just under 900k signatures within 90 days. Since that would mean 10ksignatures per day there is no way I can devote that much time or moneyunfortunately.
Actually I did a little research on this, and you need signatures from registered voters totalling 8% of the total vote for the prior governor's election. there were 3,226,088 votes cast last fall. So we would need 258,088 registered voters to sign a recall petition for Mr. Schuette. Or 2,868 signatures per day. Beyond that I don't know much about it.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Doesn't this some how interfere with HIPPA laws? I would really like to know how the Federal Government is interfering with medical records, those should be kept private and confidential, if this is true.

That really just pisses me right off, we need a revolution.
HIPPA protection is a federal protection to prevent states, state agencies, hospitals, insurance companies, employers etc. from being able to access your medical records. Since it is a federal program, and is maintained by the feds, who do you think can look at the information to be sure it was protected and not released illegally? The Feds of course.
The feds can and will get any information they want because that is how they roll. Don't play well with them they mess with everything from IRS audits to business licenses delays, permit delays...Feds can make any state agency life hell until they give up and hand over the info.
This. So I'm supposed to renew soon and I don't know if I even should. I think its dumb the state makes us renew every year like these illnesses are just gone in a year... I think that's making money off the sick
This was all definitely done to rake in cash to the state. Rake it in and sell us out.