B.C. voters planning to push Harper's Tories out of office: election poll By Read more: http://


Well-Known Member
says it all :lol:

Ontario should have the balls......
When the cons lost Alberta that was it for Harpco. The rest of the country watched with shock when he lost his strong hold to the NDP.

And now the WP is making strides forward again in Alberta.

It will be interesting to see what happens, some polls are pointing to an NDP minority.


Well-Known Member
My political nose smells the makings of a backlash on both sides of the forty-ninth... people are getting very tired of seeing the results of corporations and politicians in bed together, and are looking for real change.

On this side of the border, Mrs Clinton stands for more of the same...while the republican party is staking out their platform in racist, religiously intolerant, fascist governance... they can't go any further to the right without trampling on the Constitution.

Up north, I'm not sure why Harper was elected, except that perhaps Canadians preferred not to learn from American mistakes? In any case, his tenure has galvanized the opposition like nothing else could.

Is there a north of the border analog for Bernie Sanders? Both major political parties in the US have been so completely subverted by corporate campaign finance cash and PAC money that they no longer provide a meaningful alternative to one another. THIS, more than anything else, explains Mr Sanders' popularity in recent polls.