Auto's prone to Mg deficiency?


am trying my hand at growing auto's and all has gone relatively well. Following along with some of the grow journals I am definitely in line with most others' grows at this time, being 30-35 days in. 14 days back, about the time the plants started to show sex, I started to show minor signs of Mg deficiency. I've gone through this with regular plants in the past, so I whipped up a batch of Epsom Salt and Distilled (1/2 tsp/qt) and began an every third day foliar regimen. At first I went light to avoid any potential burn, but after 10 days with little to no signs of improvement, I stepped it up to every other day. I went back and read everything I could find on auto's. Then it caught my eye, at least 1/3 of all pics posted of auto's has the upper leaves looking somewhat Mg deficient. The bottom areas of the plants look fine, the edges of the leaves in the middle to upper areas of the plant do have a slightly slightly lighter look to them, but it seemed, at least to me, that this is a somewhat common issue with autos. Does anyone agree/disagree?