autopot help


Well-Known Member
HELP ME I am in the 3rd week of flower my res is on is on 5.0 ph I have lowered it from 5.5 ph because in the tray it's reading a 6.8 ph I have flushed these last week with 50 litres of 4.5 ph plain water then the next day in the auto system it shot back up again can anyone help plz

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
In all reality many people put to much into "PH" levels )( and make thing harder than they are) - in all reality marijuana can grow in just about any situation - use "PH" perfect nutrients - keep it simple and easy for you - no worries except the Police !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Is this an autopot system with valves etc and do you have the following:
A pump with an impeller?
An airstone?
Whats the Substrate?
What Size Pots and Rez?
What you feeding?
Anything wrong with the plants?
Checked calibrated the meter?


Well-Known Member
Is this an autopot system with valves etc and do you have the following:
A pump with an impeller?
An airstone?
Whats the Substrate?
What Size Pots and Rez?
What you feeding?
Anything wrong with the plants?
Checked calibrated the meter?
firstly sorry for hi jacking thread lol
do u use auto pots your self mate as i just purchased 24 15 l pot system and couple things i could do with asking but i need some one who uses them and has experience as too many people have opinions and comments but dont even have the knowledge of the aqua valve
if im honest i went out to buy something that would make my life easier i wanted something reliable to water my plants in terra professional plus i didnt mind if i had to manually turn it on to feed and turn off but was hoping to find something i could leave unatended for up to a week a time i ended up getting auto pots but now finding peoples comments telling me to use coco not soil and i cant find an answer off anyone about this setup if im using soil can i still use terra vega and terra floors which is made for soil or should i switch to the hydro nutes do i treat it as a soil grow or is it now hydro feeds ?