Automatic AK47 closet grow


Well-Known Member
these are pictures are to show the plant in action :P cheers for the help +rep

hey chedder, i was wondering that the deal is with your babies they seem to have some serious stretch compared to mine, how far away are ur lights at this point?

my stems are thicker with shorter plants with broad leaf development. i'll post some pics later tonight or tomm on my thread.

ill keep chekcin in


Well-Known Member
i think thats due to the fact that the lowryder is a shorter parent of the ak47 x lowryder hybrid.... they probably have more sativa characteristics compared to the lowryder strain (less ruderalis due to breeding sativa into the mix)


Active Member
I've gotta agree with theknownstrangr those stems are looking a little stretched out to me as well. I'm thinking maybe your light needs to be dropped a couple inches assuming you can get it down there without increasing the heat to the tops too much.


Well-Known Member
hey man nice journal im subscribed, i currently got a auto ak bout 5 and half weeks in she is only small but makes my whole room smell of bud, smells very sweet, very nice lookin plants. Got 2 more fems sprouted yesterday and got sum diesel ryders germing , you will be amazed how fast u see bud and how fast they pack weight on, they are also really good at takin nutes .. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with the others. they do look stretched, even if its a sativa. but they look nice and healthy chedda! nice


Well-Known Member
i would make sure there is one pot per plant, easier to do now than later before roots tangle..


Well-Known Member
i don't have a set date yet. shooting for 2-3 weeks, none of the tric's have changed yet and a few of the plants are playing catchup,
i'm prlly gona havta cut a few plants earlier then others so they all get the time they need and don't "spoil"


Well-Known Member
im using a 250 watt blue spectrum envirolite....the lamps i was using before were just to last me out till the grow light arrived..... they were probably on the redder spectrum which is not what you need during vegging


Well-Known Member
yeah the seedlings that had to germinate under the 2 crappy 20 watt bulbs ended up stretching but with the new lamp the others that have reaped the benefit of that are pretty damn short.....although hopefully the stems will bulk out soon, will get pics either tonite or tomorrow and see how theyre going


Well-Known Member
yeah the seedlings that had to germinate under the 2 crappy 20 watt bulbs ended up stretching but with the new lamp the others that have reaped the benefit of that are pretty damn short.....although hopefully the stems will bulk out soon, will get pics either tonite or tomorrow and see how theyre going
hey buddy, good to hear your on your way and ur plants are getting their much needed lumens!

i just updated at almost 2 weeks from germination if your curious to see where they are at by day 14.

i'l be gone a week for Spring BREAK, may the pot gods be with u in my absence lol


Well-Known Member
ok ya'll i got a few pictures a bit ago and the plants are doing well!! starting to go into that large leaf grow frenzy faze.....anywho one of them was ultra stretchy so i put a splint onto it till it can stand on its own.....hope you have an awesome spring break man!



Well-Known Member
i noticed some stiptule growth on some of the plants......cant wait to get past this seedling impatient.....when ahrvest time comes around i gotta force the temptation to smoke it all before it cures :P


Well-Known Member
just read an article about some novelist kicking her son out of the house due to a "cannabis addiction" ha!.....well the article starts babbling onto the topic of how the potency has increased by 20 times! what a load of bullshit.... anyways have a look for a bit of a laugh at stupid government legislation and crazy idiotic parents

my quote on the article:

"Ha! i like the way this article is blatantly pandering to the government changing the cannabis classification..... One of the things that is complete rubbish is the figure of "spliffs today have 10 to 20 times more thc"....back in the 60's through to the modern society we live in now cannabis HAS increased in potency but not by 10 or 20 times...
originally in hash (which was more available than skunk in previous decades) had a THC content of about 6% - todays cannabis dealing thc content has raised to about 13% to an absolute maximum of where the hell did they get the notion it had increased ten/twenty fold??
and lets take into account the fact that many dealers on the streets gain the marijuana probably from local growers, due to the potential boom in selling marijuana cannabis is often not grown proffesionally and often affects the amount of THC....

As someone commented previously the drug can have different effects with different people, i think that freedom of choice should be initiated.....why do we have the government telling us how to live our lives? i dont understand why we cant make decisions for ourselves, it seems as though we live in a pretty controlling society, and for those of you that think they know everything about how harmful cannabis is why dont you take a research into the medical advantages?
CBD is a highly effective chemical in the plant that can aid dealing with psychosis, seems all one sided against cannabis these days....alll the problems without the beneficial side of it

Why is alcohol legal and marijuana not? and tabacco? dont even get me started....the whole policy of having a government control what can and cannot be done seems like a self destructive force which just begs for corruption and makes me question myself whether everyones got equal rights....."


Well-Known Member
ok had a look at the plants today and theyre getting pretty big now.....the biggest one has been fed some nitrogen feed but on a small dosage.....the plants are looking healthy but i think i may have put the light too close to the shoots....some are flattening themselves to the soil...its weird cause the stems are strong but they dont like going upwards :-( but anywho im gonna go try get me some bud for today :P

