Autoflower plant problem with pictures


This is a white widow auto flower, it is 68 days old from seed.

Basically one side looks all green as it has a bit of a tilt on the stem then the other side where leaves are a bit more open and exposed have yellowing, Now i am not sure if this is common and the plant is just sucking up the nutrients from some of the main fan leaves at this stage or not.

The other question would be should i remove the yellowing fan leaves?20190716_184409.jpg 20190716_184436.jpg 20190716_184520.jpg 20190716_184540.jpg 20190716_184604.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need some magnesium. (Epsom salts)

Not too much.

A small pinch on the top of your medium and water it in.

Or use 1tsp to 1gallon in your feed.

Don’t pull off those leaves! Collect them off the ground when the plant discards them.