Auto white russians flower help


Hello people i'm a little new here but I have been going around reading te plants that I'm growing. As the title shows I'm growing awr and they are about 26 days of there life and they are flowering.. Now I'm not that dumb n growing and the plants seem to be doing great with 2 23watt cfl lights... Now I'm trying to figure what's a good NPK structure to go with. ATM all I can find at my store are these

Scottsdale rose n bloom: 12-4-8
Blood meal: 12-0-0
Singles : 24-8-16

which would be better to use during flower? I don't know any other place that sells nuts around here but I can sure check tho. Just looking a Lil help with nuts n case I need. I'm using miracale grow soil n it hasn't let me down. Just looking for some help. I'll post pics later but ATM my CPU is down n I'm on my iPhone..


Active Member
i wouldnt use any of those during flowering. You want something that is higher in P and not so much N during flowering and Experts say that late in the flowering its okay that plants become N deficient. I currently use Fox Farm's Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. "Bone meal" by "miracle grow" is rated at 6-9-0 i think. I used it before in the past but the "0" kinda left me short where i needed other things.


Yea dude I bought bone meAl today and trying it out on my wr, yea the 0 in potassium does suk tho. I'll find something that has it ... I wonder if bananas pealings work.. I know it's high in potassium so lol! I'll find something around here