Auto system?


Well-Known Member
I need some help.

i want to maybe make a 2 plant system that it all automatic apart from the feeding.

Lights, fans, CO2, Temps, Humidity, ect.

I want everything on one system, i would like to be able to link up my laptop and download the data onto it but is it possible?



Active Member
how much you wanna spend?

i went the cheap option and just plug the fans and lights in to basic 24hour analogue timers...

and i got a usb hygrometer that records the temp and hum of my grow room to my pc
and i got a cheap web cam in the grow room so i can check on it without having to move or unlock it

I manually measure ph and ec with digital meters and manually add water or neuts

if you want to throw a heap of money around, you can get a fully automated system... thermostat to control fans, heaters or aircon if needed