Auto flower


Just got some jack herer autos in the mail today. These will be my first auto grow. Have photos goin now in flowering stage
Just got some jack herer autos in the mail today. These will be my first auto grow. Have photos goin now in flowering stage
Hey u got any pics of your photo jack herers i got some autojacks im running right now. But there isnt much on the net to go by as to what they look like fully grown


Well-Known Member
Looking for a wicket first time auto flower, havent attempted any yet, cheers
First time auto or first time growing cannabis? If it’s your first time growing then I personally think autos are a mistake for beginners. They are very unforgiving with mistakes and very few beginners don’t make any mistakes. A lot of people thinks autos are easier to grow, but that is not true at all. The only difference with autos is they don’t care about the lighting schedule.