Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Been busy harvesting today. Man may back hurts, I need to sit better while trimming.
Anyways, the wet weight of what I have taken down is 9.4oz and I have 18g that is dry right now and .4 of scissor hash.


Well-Known Member
Finished harvesting my plant this morning. Had 13 more buds to take down and trim, sorry no pics of them. The branch never converted so it was trashed. Looks like it will be a pretty decent pull.


Well-Known Member
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got some more chickens these are a lil older
but got a really good deal on em
plan on butchering most of those while my pretty ones get old enough to go in the coups

but anyways group shot but there are 3 on the floor took a seperate pic of those i ran out of room repotting gotta figure out something else to put them on or add some more lights ill prolly throw my cfl's in there and my other led so i can get more floor space lit up


Well-Known Member
ohh and got a little male wild cotton tail maybe 2-3 weeks old
my dog and the neighbors dog was fighting over something i go over to em and break it up and realize that they was fighting over a baby bunny so my little female house bunny got a new boyfriend


Well-Known Member
Lookin good.
How do you go about not getting attached to the animals you are going to slaughter at a later date?

Here are some updates of what is going on in my tent. The bagseed looks kinda bad, not sure if its rootbound or what, but its on some new growth. I haven't added anything in a while so I have no idea at the moment.
Super haze is doing well and the bagseed is a confirmed female.
DSCN5633.jpg DSCN5634.jpg

A top that has 3 more tops. :mrgreen: DSCN5629.jpg

Its a girl! DSCN5625.jpg

I have no idea what is going on with this branch. It was one of the tops and it grew till it just blocked off on the end. Kept on growing outwards but not up. The branch is also flat and not round. DSCN5618.jpg DSCN5617.jpg

Super Haze DSCN5613.jpg


Well-Known Member
well my oldlady wont even mess with em if she knows theyre getting butchered out
me i could care less i was raised like that its meat i feed it it has a name
but in the end its just meat that isnt frozen >.<
and i treat them a million times better then the commercial companies do

the " taco " can be
humidity too low
temps too high
highly overwatered

just use the little search bar for " leaf taco " :D

lol that plant has a mutation tripliod polyploid or whirl depends on who you ask lol
i have a little mutant that topped itself twice and commenced the whirl also has a flat stem


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it is exactly. May be over watered which is possible. humidity is right, temp is good, only things left are overwater and rootbound.
Guess I'll wait till the soil dries completely and go from there.


Well-Known Member
thats why i started repotting already its not that they are root bound its just when they dry up they bypass my filter
Its in a 3 gal and been vegging for nearly 9 weeks. I was thinking about putting it in a 5 gal with new soil. What you think? Seems like it would be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
first pic left hand front is one of the mids stunted start and just recovering
the other 2 are the purple haze x kc45
the pic with the cord in the middle just the back right is kc45 reg the other 3 are the purp x kc45
the big containers are AKR and the group pic on the left on the aluminum stand the group there is the shoreline and JDP and a mutant that i cant remember if its a mid or purp kc45 smells like the purp dont remember i think its marked just being lazy


Well-Known Member
I have a purple dream germinating at the moment that I'm gonna put into a small container. Maybe a solo cup, or I may go buy a small container for it. Think I may end up staying 12/12. I like what it provides for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
good luck on the PD
my other JDP is just now getting its grow on
its in the middle bucket in the little container just now has roots on the bottom