Aussie options for flower Nutes?


Active Member
Hi Guys,

My babies are around 21" now, I’m quite pleased to say for my first grow there doing gr8 and their only doing great because I have been reading almost every post and following experienced users posts and suggestions J

This is my situation, I’ve been using “Dutch Masters One” product because I’m a beginner and didn’t want to use a 2 phase product so I can learn the prerequisites first. Now I’m at that stage where I’m ready to pull them back to 12/12

I’ve read so many articles regarding how Advance Nutrients products produce great yield and on the other hand I’ve read that their over rated and overpriced And I ‘m hoping to change nutrient manufacturer without hurting the girls.

Some people swear by General Hydroponics which is quite $pricey$ too!

And further to my research I have been lead to Believe Dutch Masters BIG BUD has been recalled for health reasons. Just basically debates after debates and quite $$ products!

Are there any Aussies here that could suggest a product that is sold in Australia preferably south Au that is easy sold here and produces top notch smoke? I’ve seen some extremely powerful powder based nutes at Bunning’s but my guess is there for commercial flowering??

These are my options
Hydroponics, Adelaide, South Australia : Glandore HydroPonics
Adelaide Hydroponics

Thanks in advance!:peace: