Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to seriously consider buying some LED grow lights....just got my elec bill :shock::shock: OMG...... my m8 from san fran says they are all using them over there,,,less power,less heat,safer....and a nicer stoner friendly colourful grow room.... sounds good to me :weed:
Now if only they really worked..?
I've been studying these lights for a few years now,,, I own some pro bars (3) and they are good supplemental lighting for my hps's ... I have been waiting for the technology to advance enough to be worthwhile investing in more,,,and
I rekin that these lights are the go....the first ones you can really do the whole cycle under from veg to flowering

Expensive to start with but they would make that back 1st harvest ....
I know that next year they will be even better and prob cheaper....maybe I could get one 600 equivalent now and another next year...?? just thinking aloud here...anyone bought an led light recently ?
when i have enough cash to get my grow set up exactly how i'd like it, i'll deffo be looking into this idea - i suspect you'll have it sussed by then lovely lol

how long til yer great big harvest? my goodness that manicure will take a while :shock:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that's why I put it out there about the led lights ,,,cause I want 4 of them..... that'll set me back around $4500 ish... maybe I can just start with 1....:roll:
lucky I haven't got any $......but when I do...look out :shock:


Well-Known Member
SL thanks man!! they came yesterday. i'm a very happy camper lol

I've already got a billion photos of the beginning of their lil lives

i'm quitting my job in the next four weeks. it's decided. i'm going to start selling my baked/cooked goods at markets and online. can't take this city office nonsense anymore. happy days


Well-Known Member
Lol I meant to write Saturday... Like now

I started on the vape at 9am and have had a good 4 joints on top of that :). My shits finally finished drying


Well-Known Member
I 2 am BLAZING......:bigjoint: Happy day indeed

Wow Kmoo awesome news about changing your income tactics good luck with that... its got to be better then all that commuting and being inside all day ;-)......with people who don't want to be there either


Well-Known Member
I've already got a billion photos of the beginning of their lil lives
thats really funny
i'm quitting my job in the next four weeks. it's decided. i'm going to start selling my baked/cooked goods at markets and online. can't take this city office nonsense anymore. happy days
fuck yeh kmizz, this life is too short to be doing something u hate everyday, best news for me all day lol..i should smoke some:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Dammit! My big girl went hermie,maybe i shouldn't have topped it 500 times hmm oh well.

I thought about choppin it down but i figured wats done is done its probly already pollenated my others.

Most of the bananas seemed to be on the lower growth,heres a couple sample buds that had hermie lower growth.



Well-Known Member
SL thanks man!! they came yesterday. i'm a very happy camper lol

I've already got a billion photos of the beginning of their lil lives

i'm quitting my job in the next four weeks. it's decided. i'm going to start selling my baked/cooked goods at markets and online. can't take this city office nonsense anymore. happy days
Good on you Kmoo... I made that decision about 12 months ago... I have a part time job where I go in for 3 hours at a time 6 hours a week, sometimes It keeps centrelink off my back when it comes to family I love it... My husband loves it..and my kids too... Its a win, win...:-)

I'll buy your baked wares... Tell me the web address and I am there....

Have you ever seen Hoodwinked??? Its a great animated movie about based around Little Red Riding Hoods Granny Pucket and her recipes and how an evil bunny is trying to take over the goodie market... I reckon you'll love it...I highly recommend it... Damn funny stuff...Good for little kids and adults you haven't seen it already....



Active Member
Yay seeds, yay new future Kmoo!

Lacey...sounds very strange movie

any1 know how many lumens 130w energy saver fluoro puts out. Google no help, found just one opinion that normal fluoros put out 75 lum per reckon?


Well-Known Member
oh lacey i LOVE hoodwinked!!! lol it's my favourite of the kids movies. i love the little guy who gets all nutty on coffee. will let ya know once the website is happening, it's much better having time for you and the family as opposed to slaving away in a bullshit box with bullshit people doing bullshit lol

yay yada!! yay! lol

SL - hells yes!! thanks man. at the end of the day i love cooking for people, so why not make a bit of cash off it. i'm also looking to do a few hours volunteer work a week, god i feel like the weight is lifted already and i haven't even quit yet lol

Jats - there is something soul destroying about the commute lol everyone is crammed in like sardines yet it's the most impersonal experience i know. my sis just popped over for a little bud and gave me these flavoured papers?? i'm gonna roll me a fatty right now! lol


Well-Known Member
I've asked my local tobacco shop 2 get those clear cellulite papers in...apparently they are pretty spech


Well-Known Member
Yay seeds, yay new future Kmoo!

Lacey...sounds very strange movie

Its got some big names voicing the characters in it... Anne Hathaway is Red Riding Hood... Glenn Close is Granny Pucket, Andy Dick is the Evil Cute Little Bunny, Patrick Warburton plays the Fletch character of the Big Bad Wolf, Jim Belushi plays the Woodcutter, Exhibit plays the Police Chief, seriously funny stuff.... The best character is Jethro the mountain goat... And Mr Flippers the Frog...A must see, seriously.... I haven't met anyone yet who hasn't loved it...

For those who have seen it... "If you want to know the truth, you've got to flip thru the pages...".... lol...:clap: