Ausies Help Me. Im Thinking Of Moving To Australia To Grow


Well-Known Member
You want to go to NIMBIN or south east QLD.. relaxed laws shit loads of it already there, cheap land. Power is not that much of a issue just be sensible or get a industrial unit, with business front. Power at those levels in the cities not much of an issue.... but big user in the bush.......
Pound goes for around 3000 at moment in SYD
QLD is the HOT spot for tourist and Brisbane is easy shuttle NTH or SYD is easy ride STH


Well-Known Member

are to the Government portals to each state QLD, NSW.... this will give you exact laws....... just search it

They grow the most in SA... but laws there have just tightened for hydro....


Well-Known Member
LOL....... VIC sux sorry i lived in gippsland though south on the coast.... SALE and SEASPRAY cold and wet during most of the year...


Well-Known Member
how was yesterday 47
my cuzs farm burnt to ground
and all his outdoor crop
like 50 big plants
so over the heat


Well-Known Member
All I can say about the vic fires is WOW:shock::shock::shock: I feel for anyone in those areas. Btw there is an appeal for donations on Tuesday's cricket match. If you can donate please do.


Well-Known Member
yeah its a fucking nightmare 66 dead
poor fucking people with no life left
if there was a god i would pray to him
that this wont happen again
people hands in wallets
the 400 hps can wait a week
our country needs us


Well-Known Member
nightmare..76 confirmed now............................. this probably as bad ASH WEDNESDAY......


Well-Known Member
ithink its worse
i was living in aireys inlet during the last big one
this is real bad every thing is so fucking dry
and the mf who lit some of these are gonna get fucked up big time
i just got of the phone and it looks like my uncle has been missing for 24hrs
we are heading up there tomoz


Well-Known Member
Ive crossed all my fingers and all my toes for you & your uncle.... my thoughts are with you guys.... And I hope there is some relief for you soon.
Here have a quick one of these before the big day tomorrow!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words but we
found him
all good
only halve the farm got fucked
and the dogs r alive
sad to hear about everyone else
the place is a write off
send money and clothes the people here need them


Well-Known Member
WITH FIRES & FLOODS HERE IM Moving- & if fedral accepts medical mj : TO USA

Fuck it - with whats going on here Im going there (USA) &&
iF THE FEDRAL GOV passes (I know schwartzniger passed it in CA) medical marijuana as a legal prescribed drug...which means it should be a national law.. im moving to US to setup a business -to do a grow op for the supply of medical mj....... It would be good to get in early ( although there is 2400 or something legal disributers in CA) if the whole counrty has the ability it will be BIG BUSINESS!
I know they will import aswell... but there will be room on the Boutique side of the industry. ( anybody wana come - i will be back always an aussie!)


Well-Known Member
ill work
always wanted to grow trees and try new things
btw do you know any thing about
hydro to soil transplant
the plants are 6 weeks old
roots just coming outa the pods