Aurora Indica & Wonder Women 2 plant scrOG!


Well-Known Member
my bad ......I been working a lot lately , and I got a new puppy so I got my hands full now! I barely have time to water them......:( I'll take some pics later, and post a proper update, but I have to warn you I have been neglecting my plants, and they both look like shit! But they are still alive, and I think If I start taking proper care of them they can be saved.. I'll be back later tonight with the up date!


Well-Known Member
I've been looking forward to for some time now, and I finally got a German Shepherd puppy! I got her on the 15th of this month and since that day I have been servilely neglecting my plants. As soon as I got her home my phone began to ring off the hook with calls about some side work roofing, I've been roofing almost everyday! I get home take care of the pup and I go to bed, No time to care for plants right now..:cry:

But we finished to job today, so I hope to have the next week or so off so I can try to get back on track! I'm going to start off by moving the Wonder Women scrog out of the closet and into the bathroom. That way I can put her under my 400watt MH light for a week or two, and just possibly three, or until she feels better! Then I will bud her under the 400 HPS light.

In the mean time I will take the Aurora scrog and center it under the T5 light, and I will be adding an additional Fan to my closet. I will flush her well and then hit her with some nutes and see if she perks back up!

I'll update every night for the next few days until they start to look healthy again! There is one good thing about not watering them for over a week......I think it got rid of all the Gnat problem I was having! Also I thought I should let you all know. I loved the Aurora Indica Strain so much That I named my new puppy Aurora! lol



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm going to spend the whole day today fixing, and repairing my grow op. I feel bad for my plants....I'm an asshole! lOl But she is a beautiful puppy though, well worth the set back!


Well-Known Member
Wow man, she is gorgeous. I have never seen a White German Sheppard. Seems like u got urself a Rare Pheno there ;)

Knocked this up for you, Love the Name. With any luck she grows up as Strong, Healthy & Robust :-)



Well-Known Member
lol That's funny , Thanks

Last night I did fix up the Wonder Women Scrog, by removing all the dead leafs, and giving her a real good, well need flush. I also moved her into my Bathroom/Grow-room, and put her under my 400watt MH conversion lamp. Tomorrow I will water her with both Grow Big And Big Bloom.

I also did the same thing to my Aurora Indica scrog as well. Only with this plant I left her under my T5 light. I bet I notice an improvement by tomorrow morning! I'll keep you all posted!


Well-Known Member
I'm 100% sure I can! The Wonder Women is already showing signs of improvement, and I has not even been 24 hours yet! I'll post up some pics tonight!


Well-Known Member
She is looking good! I still have only given her PHed water.....No Nutes yet, probably tomorrow though. I can definitely see an improvement. ( Did you all know that the word DEFINITELY is the #1 most misspelled word in the USA lol I have to look it up every time I have to type it!bongsmilie ) I'm only going to wait until Friday or Monday, then I'm going to bud her out right away! I know the screen will not be full, but I have to make room for the Aurora scrog. By the time the Wonder Women is finished, the aurora scrog will be more than full! ( I hope) I got to go for now but I'll be back later to post up the Aurora pics and update!:peace:

The one pic of the man with the beard is the man I bought my White German Shepherd off of!



Well-Known Member
Damn dude glad to see everything is getting back on track...they looked real sad there for a couple days!


Active Member
Nice recovery, it looks very strong, but I can't wait to see what the Wonder Woman looks like after a few weeks of flowering. I have a Wonder Woman seed from the attitude seedbank and I want to use Scrog as well. Subscribed.