Attn: Medical professionals.


Is there anywhere I can find a comprehensive classification profile for marijuana? I want to find information such as Classification, Indications for use, Action, Interaction, onset, peak and duration of action inhaled and P.O. etc. The same stuff you would find in Davis’ Drug Guide. I would love to be armed with the information. I read Granny Storm Crows July list and was blown away with the credible sources listed in it (if you have not read it yet, you should, google it). Arguing for medical marijuana is a little bit easier when you cite sources such as medline, rather than High Times, (no offence high times). Thanx in advance !

Storm Crow

Active Member
The 2010 version of Granny's list is out! Run a search for "Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List". It is now about 150 pages of links to MMJ studies and articles. If you decide that you like it, try running a search for "absolutely free! Granny Storm Crow's list" and follow the simple directions to get your own copy.
