Attn Humboldt Growers


I just read the piece from the associated press from 3-24-10 (i think, time stamp says "4 hrs ago"). Kinda disappointing to say the least. I understand that growing marijuana and keeping it illegal supports you and your family, but dont fuck over the rest of the world.:wall: If California does not change in November it never will. This is the one chance we got to get it legal. If it looses in California, momentum will be lost and, i feel, with it the rest of the war. Inevitable defeat at every turn. You guys grow the best weed in the world. Paul Newman made a shit load off salad dressing and makers of good wine im sure make good money too. I promise if its legalized i will take my wife on a vacation to Humboldt county, swear to god. I will give my money to the local economy. Your hotels, b+b's , and pot growers for sure. Dont underestimate the equaly beneficial sides of legalization. Start branding yourselves now, before Malboro bastardizes it. Anyway...I could go on for a while about that article. Input anyone?


The last line about keeping pot illegal to save the county make me a tad bit sick. Who ever made that sticker is either really selfish or really scared. I dont know which...Any thoughts?


Shit you not, looking for a kick ass bed and breakfast for the wife and I. Any suggestions? Im for sure looking for somthing pot friendly, good food, good hospitality, close to really cool shit my wife and i can do, ie food, shopping, hikes, money spending and such. Airports too, where do i fly into? and how far is the county from there? whats the best city in the county? shit, i never knew planing a vacation more advanced than a greyhound ticked was so .....complex,