Attitude shipping charges


Well-Known Member
I was gonna spend just enough to get the freebies tomorrow. The only thing I don't like about attitude is the extra shipping charges. I will end up spending more on shipping than on seeds. Has anyone had success with the $13 international shipping without getting the extra guaranteed shipping? Or should I break down and get a new coffee mug? Thanks in advance. (Thanks in advance means you must post a comment lol)


Yo, well I always spring for the mug. And I always get my order, so works for me. I just want the comfort of the guarantee just in case. Don't forget though that there is a 420 code to be entered and saves you like 10% off your total order cost. This helps balance it a bit.



Well-Known Member
Actually I just go for the DVD case and it all works peachy for me.. only spring for the guaranteed stealth if your the paranoid type and dont usually get overseas packages.. but plenty of bollywood dvd's come straight out of the UK so its not suspect to get a dvd shaped package come from out there to the states n canada.


Well-Known Member
i dunno ..i chose the stealth ship with the shirt... It was worth the piece of mind and pretty cool fucking memento


Active Member
I used the international shipping with sweets, no garauntee....everythin arrived perfect!! I will use them again fo sho!


Well-Known Member
I will get use out of the coffee cup so I will just order the overpriced mug. heh Thanks for all the replies.


Active Member
ordered with sweets got them no problem. If i place another order I will order w/o sweets. Good luck!
yeah, i ordered with the t-shirt. lolol fat harry what? i was disappointed. next time i'll go with the sweets, 'cause the t-shirt was lame.
and yeah, attitude are expensive for shipping! i live relatively near ipswich in the uk, in comparison with america obviously, and the shipping is still almost as much as the seeds. i'll probably go without guaranteed next time, as it was a bit unnecessary, considering there aren't customs to get through, and i don't think seeds are even illegal here.


Well-Known Member
I did 2 orders this weekend. I couldn't resist the freebies. I ended up ordering 1 mug and 1 t-shirt. Next time I will do a larger order and then with the 420 code it will end up being free shipping.