Attention Atheist


Active Member
Dude I can walk down the street right this second & pick up a chick you would only dream about.

I go to so Cal state so I see more friends in 10 minutes than you probably have your whole life.

girls tend to not like crazy religious egotistical know it alls


Active Member
No I just had to put in my 2 cents, I could care less what anyone else thinks _any more_.

I get 10x the sex the rest of you do, and multiple lovers of both sexes together often. Life is good. That's probably why people like me are hated by people like them, they have dreams they can never fulfill.
Yeah I always dreamed of suckin on some dudes dick, you have problems.


Active Member
Wise men at least say something of substance, they don't merely ridicule and attempt to point out faults in others.

When words of substance are spoken they are utterly dismissed & ignored.

It is not even in the realm of possibilities that evolution is responsible for the life of every species on the planet.

Everything is far too complex and meaningful for it to just be accidental.

If you cant realize that then there is no hope that you ever will.


Active Member
go back and read my edit a couple of posts back.

One of you said the flaw in my religion is that it was created on incest.

If you believe in evolution & big bang you are an idiot, because wouldent that mean all life on earth was created on incest?

Its contradictions like this that prove how confused you are as a whole, If you cant even agree with each other, why should I listen to you?


Active Member
go back and read my edit a couple of posts back.

One of you said the flaw in my religion is that it was created on incest.

If you believe in evolution & big bang you are an idiot, because wouldent that mean all life on earth was created on incest?

Its contradictions like this that prove how confused you are as a whole, If you cant even agree with each other, why should I listen to you?

strange, im not confused at all

my mind is 100% made

typical religious person telling me im confused / have flaws / need what your offering


Active Member
strange, im not confused at all

my mind is 100% made

typical religious person telling me im confused / have flaws / need what your offering

I am not offering you jack shit. Just reply to my post......

Oh thats right you cant, because I just proved how little you know.

Go ahead ignore my posts once again like you always do.... Its nothing new.


Active Member
strange, im not confused at all

my mind is 100% made

typical religious person telling me im confused / have flaws / need what your offering

Lol yeah you admitted it.

Your mind is 100% made that you are unsure of anything, but you are 100% positive that your existance is an accident.


Active Member
actually im 100% positive that you have lost your mind, you dont know anything about what i think, and that your clinging

you want me to respond to an ignorant, generalizing statement that doesnt even make sense

funny i didnt call you out when you refused to answer my adam and eve's offspring question

do you believe the ark actually happened? of course you do

in 80 pages of your bullshit, you have yet to post one single shred of evidence of your opinion

not one...

so why exactly should i believe anything that comes out of your religilous mouth


Well-Known Member
go back and read my edit a couple of posts back.

One of you said the flaw in my religion is that it was created on incest.

If you believe in evolution & big bang you are an idiot, because wouldent that mean all life on earth was created on incest?

Its contradictions like this that prove how confused you are as a whole, If you cant even agree with each other, why should I listen to you?
Every post you make just continues to demonstrate not just your ignorance about science but your stupidity in how you interpret things in your mind.

What the fuck does incest have to do with evolution of life? Maybe you don't understand science and that's fine but when scientists try to help you understand you should listen.
The first forms of life reproduced asexually. Once sexual reproduction came onto the scene, I'm sure there were siblings mating with each other but this has nothing to do with human evolution in the slightest. As scientists, we know and understand that incestual relationships occur, it's a part of life but are certainly not necessary for evolution to occur. In fact, incest slows evolution by limiting the gene pool. Evolution occurs in populations of species, not just a couple of individuals.
The bible OTOH, requires that all of mankind came from only two individuals, requiring some sort of incest to continue on.